Reghan Oneill drunkenly insults officers as they attempt to help her on Broadway

21-year-old Reghan Oneill was visibly intoxicated on Broadway late August 31st. Oneill approached officers and told them she did not know where she was. During their interaction, they noticed she reeked of alcohol and showed signs of impairment. Oneill also dropped her cell phone several times and could not properly use it without police assistance. Officers spent about an hour attempting to call her friends to get her. However, according to the police, her friends were unruly and were not much help over the phone. Eventually, the police convinced her friends to take an Uber to their location. However, they took over thirty minutes to get there. Before her friends arrived, Oneill was deemed unable to care for herself as she continuously insulted officers. Oneill was then taken into custody for public intoxication on September 1st.