Samson Mitchell calls 911 & asks to speak to the Chief of Police during his arrest

Goodlettsville Police responded to the Autumn Chase Apartments at 4 a.m. after a resident reported that her upstairs neighbor was beating on her door with a baseball bat, describing him as a white male in jeans and cowboy boots. Officers arrived at the location and located 21-year-old Samson Mitchell, who matched the description of the subject of the call, and who was intoxicated. He told police he was beating on the door of the apartment because he was assaulted by a “meth head” who he believed to live there, described as a black man with long hair. Officers met with the residents of that apartment, who did not match the description of his alleged assailant.

When further questions about what transpired, Mitchell became uncooperative and belligerent. He then used his phone to call 911 and asked to speak to the Chief of Police. As officers attempted to place him under arrest for public intoxication and disorderly conduct, he walked away, and once cuffed, he locked his legs together in an attempt to prevent being placed in a patrol car.

Gabriel Gallienm, 20, drunk and disorderly at Duke Street AirBNB in Nashville

Just before 1 a.m. Tuesday, Metro Nashville Police responded to an AirBNB on Duke Street for a reported disorderly person. Officers made contact with several others nearby the AirBNB unit along with the subject of the call, 20-year-old Gabriel Gallien, who was extremely intoxicated and belligerent. While several people in the area stated Gallien had assaulted another person, no one would speak directly with police from the AirBNB unit, and all but one left the scene. Officers were content with leaving the area after the one remaining friend had mostly calmed him down, but as officers were preparing to clear the scene, Gallien pushed his way past the remaining friend and ran into the common area between the rental units. He then continued to yell, curse, and scream while waking up people in other units and causing a scene. As officers were placing him into custody for public intoxication and disorderly conduct, Gallien refused to comply and pulled away multiple times before being restrained.

Jeshua Torrens charged after fighting outside Kid Rock’s Bar in downtown Nashville

Metro Nashville Police working the Entertainment District Initiative in downtown Nashville Saturday encountered 26-year-old Jeshua Torrens as he was attempting to fight random people who were walking outside of Kid Rock’s Bar. He reportedly reeked of alcohol and appeared extremely intoxicated. As he was being arrested for public intoxication, Torrens balled up his fist and attempted to punch Officer Cottrill and then tensed up his body and used his legs to resist being placed in the back of a patrol car.

Alejandro Vasquez charged after drunkenly interfering with police & medics at Kid Rock’s Bar

Metro Nashville Police and Fire responded to an incident at Kid Rock’s Bar late Friday night where they were assisting a patron turned patient. The patient’s friend, 23-year-old Alejandro Vasquez, began interfering with medics while also being extremely intoxicated from alcohol. After multiple requests for him to give them space and step away, he was eventually so combative that officers decided to detain him. As they attempted to place Vasquez in handcuffs, he tensed up and pulled away from the officers, and they eventually took him to the ground in order to gain compliance. He refused to be placed into a patrol car, and it took multiple officers multiple attempts to get him transported to booking, where he continued to be combative with officers.

Patrick Thomas escapes downtown cops, gives chase for two blocks in handcuffs before capture

Metro Nashville Police say 22-year-old Patrick Thomas was on lower Broadway in downtown Nashville when he became injured in an unknown incident. Nashville Fire’s Medic 9 responded and began treating Thomas at the scene in the back of an ambulance, but he refused any additional transport to a hospital for further care. He was extremely intoxicated and unable to care for himself, and officers were unable to determine anyone he was with, where he was staying, or anyone to call to collect him. As it was determined he would be charged with public intoxication and transported to jail, Thomas was handcuffed while in the back of the ambulance. Now in cuffs, Thomas suddenly lunged forward past the MNPD officer and jumped out of the ambulance, and fled on foot for over two blocks before officers caught up with him on Gay Street, where he was taken to the ground by force.

Tyler Workman charged after rowdy night at Rippy’s Honky Tonk in downtown Nashville

25-year-old Tyler Workman was reportedly aggressive toward staff at Rippy’s Honky Tonk in downtown Nashville Saturday night and eventually assaulted a staff member. Bouncers then restrained and detained Workman and flagged down Metro Nashville Police. Officers attempted to place Workman in handcuffs, and he pulled his body away and resisted arrest. He was eventually taken into custody and transported to booking.

Tourist Marcel Gonzalez knees MNPD Officer in groin when attempting to adjust his cuffs after arrest

Metro Nashville Police responded to an intoxicated trespasser at the JW Marriott Hotel Friday in downtown Nashville. Hotel staff identified a person in the valley lane, 33-year-old Marcel Gonzalez, as the man who refused to leave and was “frothing at the mouth.” Officers attempted to locate a friend or relative to help him get to his destination or to retrieve him but were unable to contact anyone despite multiple attempts. He was then deemed to be a danger to himself and taken into custody. He refused to be cuffed and actively resisted when officers were cuffing him. Once at the downtown detention center inside the Sally port, Gonzalez complained his cuffs were hurting him due to the tightness. Officers approached him and attempted to loosen his cuffs for his satisfaction, at which point he kneed Officer James Hill in the groin.

Drunk National Guard Recruiter Taylor Stoeckman threatens to kill Nashville Police Officer — Pretrial Release

28-year-old Former Marine turned National Guard Recruiter Taylor Stoeckman was jailed late Monday night after security at Nashville Underground on Broadway in downtown Nashville had to take him to the ground and hold him there until police arrived. Stoeckman was reportedly extremely intoxicated, which resulted in him being denied entry to the venue. Despite his continued shouting and unruly behavior, and complaints of not being able to see, he refused medical treatment. Officers then attempted to call his friends to come and get him, but Stoeckman was unable to unlock his phone. Officers asked him to sit down while they attempted other methods to contact his friends, but he became even more unruly. He was then advised he was being taken into custody, at which time he assumed a fighting stance and used his body to prevent from being placed into the patrol car. He then threatened to strangle the arrested officer to death, and once at booking, he continued to resist going into the building.

Raymond Flores charged after aggressive behavior in downtown Nashville

41-year-old Raymond Flores was the subject of a disorderly person call outside of Luke Bryan’s Bar on Broadway in downtown Nashville early Saturday morning. He was reportedly becoming aggressive and threatening toward an unknown female at the location. Officers arrived to find him yelling and screaming at the woman and grabbing the back of her head while yelling at her. As officers attempted to place him into custody, he became aggressive with officers, who had to use force and “joint manipulation techniques” to get him cuffed. He told officers he was “very” drunk, and when asked to elaborate on the amount he had to drink, he stated “a lot!” He was placed into custody and transported to booking.

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