Tourist Josh Petti punches citizen on Broadway in downtown Nashville in front of police officer

Metro Nashville Police Officers working the Entertainment District Initiative Thursday night on Broadway observed 29-year-old Joshua Aaron Petti punch another person in the face on the sidewalk in front of Luck Bastard Saloon just before 11 p.m. Officer Coleman attempted to take Petti into custody but was met with resistance as he pulled away. Officers eventually took Petti to the ground to gain control of him, and continued to struggle until he was transported to booking.

Kaitlyn Djakov jailed after dancing in the streets & fleeing from cops in downtown Nashville

Metro Nashville Police say 36-year-old tourist Kaitlyn Djakov was dancing in the street at 4th & Broadway just before midnight Thursday. She remained in a lane of traffic when the light turned green for traffic, and an officer pointed for her to move about on her way, making eye contact. He eventually then approached her for her own safety, believing her to be intoxicated, at which time she fled from him and ran inside Honky Tonk Central, according to an arrest report. When he caught up with her and told her she was under arrest for public intoxication, she pulled, twisted, and used her body in an attempt to avoid arrest. She was transported to booking.

Roleen Green jailed after throwing water on Nashville Police Officer

MNPD Motorcycle Officer Charles Large was traveling near 3rd Ave. & Commerce in downtown Nashville in the early hours of Friday morning when he observed a group of people in the crosswalk. As he allowed the group to pass, 35-year-old Roleen Green stopped in the crosswalk, looked at him, and slung water from a water bottle toward the officer, wetting his motorcycle along with the right side of his face. He parked his motorcycle and attempted to make contact with Green, who was unsteady on her feet and reeked of alcohol. As he attempted to detain her, she pulled away with only one hand cuffed. Large eventually pushed her up against his motorcycle to complete the arrest and regain control.

Dustin Brown too drunk for Nudie’s Honky Tonk; resists arrest & damages a taser in downtown Nashville

34-year-old Dustin Brown was kicked out of Nudie’s Honkey Tonk on Friday but soon returned to the venue and sat in the open window of the location, where he continued to cause issues with staff. He refused to leave a second time and was physically removed from the property and taken to the ground by security, where he received some facial abrasions, which were treated by medics. Police took him into custody for public intoxication and criminal trespass. While attempting to place him into custody and conduct a search, Brown repeatedly pulled away from officers and refused to get into the transport car. While one officer was holding his feed to place him into the car, Brown kicked his taser and broke the battery portion of the device.

Ja’Corious Hudson charged after fight outside Lucky Bastard Saloon in downtown Nashville

Officers working the Entertainment District Initiative in downtown Nashville Friday night observed 19-year-old Ja’Corious Hudson outside of Lucky Bastard Saloon yelling and pushing at another individual in an attempt to instigate a fight. As officers approached and advised him to move along, Hudson continued to push the other individual. He was taken into custody and pulled away from officers during the arrest, earning him a resisting charge in addition to disorderly conduct.

Cameron Mowrer resists arrests & booking after causing disturbance in downtown Nashville

Just after 1:30 a.m. Friday, officers working the Entertainment District Initiative in downtown Nashville observed 26-year-old Cameron Mowrer just outside 404 Broadway, where he was refusing to leave the location, pushing the security staff, and appeared intoxicated. After he continued to refuse to leave, he was taken into custody for public intoxication but refused to be seated in the transport car. Several officers placed him into the vehicle, and he was transported to booking where he refused to exit and had to be removed from the vehicle by multiple officers. He was then forced off the floor while still resisting, and taken inside to booking.

Sultan Al Shareef booted out of Jason Aldean’s, busts out of DCSO booking

Metro Nashville Police Officers working the Entertainment District Initiative in downtown Nashville observed 21-year-old Sultan Nassir Al Shareef extremely intoxicated and disorderly in front of Jason Aldean’s Bar in the early hours of Sunday morning. Al Shareef was fighting with security and had his legs wrapped around the security ropes. He pushed and shoved and refused to be cuffed by officers who were attempting to detain him. Eventually, he was placed in the back of a patrol vehicle but was too intoxicated to provide any information about himself. A friend who was nearby provided Shareef’s name and phone number. As he was being brought inside to booking, Al Shareef attempted to run out and jumped over multiple DCSO guards to get out of the Sally port. He was eventually overpowered and processed.

Lauren Duke-Powers kicks an officer in his knee, and attempts to bite his thigh during struggle

Police responded to a domestic disturbance call on Muphy Road and as they were investigating, one of the involved parties, 23-year-old Lauren Duke-Powers, returned to the scene. As they began to interview her near the front walkway to the home, it became apparent she was extremely intoxicated, with her being unable to stand without swaying, and slurring her speech. She continued to curse and yell at the other involved parties. Officers advised her she was being detained while the domestic call was investigated, at which time she walked away toward the home and resisted when officers attempted to grab her arms to keep her away from the other parties. She then kicked Officer Meskers in his right knee, and as they took her to the ground in the prone position, she attempted to bite Officer Meskers’ right thigh.

Racist John Zarling says Nashville Police have no power over him at Jason Aldean’s Bar

John Zarling told Metro Nashville Police Officers “You have no power over me!” as he pulled away from the handcuffs they were attempting to place on his wrists at Jason Aldean’s Bar early Sunday morning. Officers responded to the scene after bouncers at the downtown Nashville bar asked Zerling to leave when he was involved in a fight on the second floor of the venue. Zarling continued to claim he had done nothing wrong and they had no reason to ask him to leave and refused to accept the fact that he could be asked to leave for any reason, as explained to him by Nashville police. Zarling’s social media is full of racist content (screenshots included).

He was given the chance to go outside and wait for his friends, but stated he wasn’t leaving the bar, so the bar staff asked for him to be trespassed and removed from the property. As officers were escorting him from the venue, Zarling grabbed onto things in an attempt to prevent his removal, and it eventually took several officers to physically remove him from the property.

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