Natasha McGill charged with being drunk and armed at Nashville Waffle House

Nashville Police found 36-year-old Natasha McGill heavily intoxicated with a handgun in her waistband at the Stewart’s Ferry Pike Waffle House on February 26th. Police say she was slurring her words and was unsteady on her feet. She confirmed she had been drinking. Once at booking she refused to go inside the door and pulled away from officers. Once inside she continued to be disorderly, pressing call buttons, and aggressively approaching officers.

Drunk Milwaukee Nurse takes Nashville Police officer to the ground — Julie Elliot arrested

32-year-old Milwaukee Nurse Julie Elliot was causing a scene at the Hilton Hotel in downtown Nashville just after last-call Thursday morning. Police say she was extremely intoxicated and causing a commotion in the lobby. Police confirmed she was not a guest, but had been stumbling on Broadway and concerned citizens walked her to the Hilton lobby. She walked away as police encountered her, reeking of alcohol and barely able to walk. She told officers she was walking in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Due to her extreme intoxication and inability to care for herself, officers began to take her into custody for public intoxication. Elliot resisted, pulled away, and attempted to break free. Once cuffed, and as she was being escorted to the patrol car, she wrapped one of her legs around the front of MNPD Officer Blake Lutz’s right leg and then wrapped her other leg around the back of his right leg, causing them both to fall onto the ground, ripping his pants, and injuring his right knew. She continued to grapple as they attempted to place her into a patrol car.

Woman wants to know if ‘racist’ cops can even spell her name after DUI crash— Dre’Daya Holloway

Police responded to a single-car crash just before 3 a.m. and found 21-year-old Dre’Daya Holloway sitting inside her vehicle which she had crashed into a utility pole. Police say she was extremely intoxicated, hysterical, and rambling incoherently. She was belligerent with first responders, accusing police of being racist, and questioned if they could properly spell her name. She repeatedly asked why they had not found the vehicle that hit her, despite there being no other vehicle. She frequently responded to radio traffic on the police radio as if it were meant for her. She eventually admitted to believing she was on the TSU Campus and had just come from a party where she had been drinking Hennessy.

Birthday boy calls police on his girlfriend when he is “unable to handle” her — Jada Smith arrested

Steven Gates told police he had his girlfriend, 22-year-old Jada Smith, to his home Tuesday night for his “birthday celebrations”. He says Jada became “belligerently drunk” and began to argue, and he felt he was “unable to handle” the situation and called police for assistance and asked them to remove Jada from his home. Officers offered Jada a ride home multiple times or to even arrange a ride for her if she was uncomfortable riding with the police. She refused all offers of assistance, refused to leave, and eventually had to be separated from Mr. Gates as she was coming at him. As officers decided to place her into custody for trespass she fought them and tried kicking officers in the face. She refused to walk to the patrol car and had t be essentially carried, and then placed inside as she refused to get in the car.

Drunk man charged after “cussing out a kid on the plane” — Thomas Hook arrested

Airport Police say k 28-year-old Tommy Hook was “cussing out a kid on the place” according to gate agents at Nashville International Airport. Hook was initially calm with officers but would sneak in an occasional “asshole” remark to the Southwest manager via a quick yell. He was removed from the plane so it could take off without him. When he realized he would not make the flight to Chicago that day, he started screaming expletives across the airport and became aggressive. He was taken into custody, despite his resistance, and transported to jail.

Police wrestle man walking on side of interstate for “several minutes” before arrest — Demarus Phillips

Less than 72 hours after multiple officers shot a killed a man who had been walking alongside an interstate last week, Metro Nashville Police responded to mile marker 89.6 of I-65 N after a citizen report a man, later identified as 32-year-old Demarus Phillips, walking alongside the roadway. Due to safety concerns, they ordered the man further to the side of the road, away from the lanes of travel, and he became upset, stating “I’m just going home”. Police demanded he turn and place his hands behind his back, which he refused. A fight then began with officers which lasted for “several minutes” until he was eventually wrestled to the ground and taken into custody.

California Tourist punches cop in face after being kicked out of Kid Rock’s Bar — Connor Brink-Sawyer

Metro Nashville Police offices say they repeatedly pleaded with 24-year-old Connor Lee Brink-Sawyer to go on about his night after he was kicked out of Kid Rock’s bar in downtown Nashville for fighting inside the venue. Brink-Sawyer repeatedly tried to re-enter the bar and was extremely intoxicated. Despite attempts to let him walk away, he became aggressive toward officers, resulting in his initial arrest for public intoxication. As an officer began to take him into custody for a charge he would have walked away from after a sobering-up period, Brink-Sawyer began to swing his fists at officers, he landed a punch on the face of Officer Michael Jason Leon Hones.

Brink-Sawyer was transported to the Metro Nashville Jail, where he was charged with public intoxication, disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, and assault of an officer. Connor Brink-Sawyer, who is from Modesto, CA, is free on pre-trial release. Today is his 24th birthday.

Georgia man charged after attempting to fight police outside Capitol Hotel downtown — David Phillip Messick

32-year-old David Phillip Messick, who was visiting Music City from Georgia, was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail after officers say he caused quite the disturbance at the Capitol Hotel in downtown Nashville. Management initially called police after he became extremely intoxicated and attempted to fight staff members. Officer arrived to find him yelling and screaming at staff and other patrons. As officers approached he wanted them to “don’t walk up on me!” and squared up with them while balling up his fists. Unimpressed with his chances at winning a fight, offices took Messick into custody against his will, while he kicked, screamed, pulled away from, and threatened violence toward, officers. Once in the patrol car, he had to be hobbled as he kept attempting to know out the windows of the unit. Messick is charged with resisting arrest, disorderly conduct, and public intoxication. Messick is free on a $2,000 bond.

Intoxicated Woman kicks officer who is removing her from downtown bar — Bethlehem Weimer arrested

26-year-old Bethlehem Weimer was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail early Sunday morning after security at Tin Roof Broadway contacted police due to how unruly she was becoming inside the bar. She was refusing to leave, and officers after multiple warning, she was placed into custody by officers. As they attempted to cuff her, she pulled away and kicked Officer Dibernardo in the leg twice. She continued kicking and screaming once inside the cruiser and eventually had to be hobble restrained. She was transported to booking, charged with public intoxication, resisting arrest, and assault of an officer. She is free on a $3,500 bond.

DUI Crash: Travel Nurse refuses care because “I’m a nurse”, resists arrest, handgun — Megan Thaggard

32-year-old Travel Nurse Megan Elizabeth Thaggard is jailed in lieu of a $7,500 bond after police found her crashed into a crosswalk pole in downtown Nashville. When they attempted to provide her with medical assistance she refused, declaring “I don’t need care, because I’m a traveling RN!” She would eventually blow a 0.151 % BAC on a breathalyzer after admitting to drinking prior to driving. She also had a 9mm Kimber loaded with hollow-point bullets in the car within her reach. She actively resisted arrest for several minutes until police were eventually able to get her into custody. She was transported a few hundred feet to booking and charged with DUI, handgun under the influence, resisting arrest, and no insurance.