DUI: Stefanie Fair, Momfluencer & wife of music mogul Ron Fair, arrested in Nashville

51-year-old Stefanie Fair, wife of music mogul Ron Fair, was jailed late Sunday, charged with driving under the influence. THP Trooper Velez was finishing up a traffic stop near Armory Drive and walking back to his patrol car when a vehicle driven by Stefanie Fair passed him without moving over or slowing down. The trooper engaged lights and sirens and followed Fair, who eventually pulled over after an extended period of time. When educating her about the move-over law violation, she reportedly reeked of alcohol and had watery, bloodshot eyes. She denied drinking any alcoholic beverages and stated she had just returned from the Ice Cream Parlor, where she was visiting her daughter. She exited the vehicle to speak to the trooper, and the aroma of alcohol followed her. She performed poorly on field sobriety tests and was taken into custody for DUI. Fair is most recently known for her appearance on Bravo‘s series There Goes The Motherhood!