Phillip Hughes falls to his knees & screams while being arrested for incident at Exit/In

37-year-old Phillip Hughes was involved in a domestic altercation at the Exit/In on September 7th. When officers made contact with Hughes, they reported he smelled like alcohol and that his behavior was highly erratic. They also noted that he was sweating profusely and that he might be on some kind of drugs. After the victim of the domestic incident was transported to a different location, Hughes began yelling at the manager at Exit/In. Following the incident, Hughes was offered medical assistance and transportation to an alternative location. However, he refused to accept any support. Officers determined Hughes was a danger to himself and others, so he was taken into custody. While being taken into custody, Hughes fell to his knees and began screaming while crying. Hughes was charged with public intoxication on September 8th.

Chad Petersen found passed out drunk in parking garage, tells police the current president is Obama & Jesus Christ

34-year-old Chad Petersen was seen publicly intoxicated while at The Morris Apartments on 19th Avenue South on September 2nd. Officers were dispatched to the area for a report of a man who was found passed out in the garage and refused to leave. When officers arrived, they found Peterson asleep in the garage. Officers woke him up and tried to ask him several questions. Despite this, Peterson kept insisting that he had known them for years. The officers noticed that Peterson had watery eyes, slurred speech, and smelled of alcohol. They called an ambulance to the scene and questioned Peterson, who stated that the current president was Jesus Christ and Obama. Peterson refused medical care and claimed to live at the building but provided an address at Music Square West. The officers concluded that Peterson was unable to care for himself, so they took him into custody for public intoxication.

Birthday Girl Nalonie Williams grabs security guard’s genitals & twerks on him at Deja Vu Showgirls Nashville Strip Club

25-year-old Birthday Girl Nalonie Williams was seen being disorderly at the Deja Vu Showgirls Nashville strip club on August 4th. When officers arrived, they made contact with a security guard at the location, Ryan Pastor, who pointed out Williams. Pastor stated that as Williams attempted to enter the club, she was already intoxicated. Pastor explained that he was trying to explain the club’s rules to William’s when she became belligerent. Witnesses of the incident stated that Williams started twerking on him and other people in line. Once Pastor informed Williams that she needed to leave and that she was not allowed in the club, she grabbed him by his genitals. When officers made contact and spoke with Williams she repeated several times, “It’s my birthday, I didn’t even grab him!” Williams was then taken into custody and charged with public intoxication, disorderly conduct, and assault.

Anthony Muhammad violates order of protection, threatens to shoot up ex-girlfriend’s house and family

18-year-old Anthony Muhammad threatened his ex-girlfriend, Abbie Love, on June 23rd. Love called 911 to her Vine Hill Road residence and told them that Muhammad had been violating a temporary order of protection she filed on him on June 14th. Love added that Muhammad had been calling her through a blocked number repeatedly, threatening to shoot up her house and her family and come to her work. Love then told officers that he also had his friends message her multiple times with the same threats. Since the order of protection was issued, Love said she has seen Muhammad walking in her neighborhood even though he lives 7.9 miles away. Authorities observed that Muhammad called her 31 times on June 23rd between 12:38 a.m. and 12:55 a.m. via a blocked number. Love stated that the one time she answered, he said he would shoot her if she did not get rid of the order of protection. Love said she felt extremely threatened because he knew where she lived and worked and that he said that he “would be up there.” Anthony Muhammad was later taken into custody for stalking and an order of protection violation.

April Hurd twists husband’s testicles after argument on Broadway

37-year-old April Hurd was involved in a domestic altercation with her husband, Austin Hurd, At Fraye Hotel on Broadway on June 10th. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with April, who stated that she was involved in an altercation with Austin. April claimed that the two had been out drinking when they got into an argument. April says that Austin left her on Broadway, and she returned to their room. Once in the hotel room, she noticed Austin inside and told him to “get the fuck out.” April informed officers that she doesn’t remember much but does remember that Austin put her into a headlock, which caused her earring to penetrate the skin behind her ear.

Austin told officers that he and his wife were out on Broadway drinking and had gotten into an argument. Austin claims that he left Broadway because he did not want to argue with April anymore. When he and April returned to the hotel room, they immediately started arguing. April told him to “get the fuck out of the room.” Austin did not leave the room because he did not have anywhere else to stay. That was when April Grabbed his testicles and squeezed. Austin also says that in self-defense, he pushed her head down so she would release his testicles, causing the injury. Officers also observed injuries to Austin’s arm. Due to April initiating the argument as well as the bruise on Austin, she was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault.

My A assaults ex-lover after argument over dog

30-year-old My T A had a domestic incident with Loan Nguyen at her residence on June 6th. Upon arrival, officers witnessed A and Nguyen holding each other by the shirt while Nguyen was screaming that A had hit her. Officers detained A and spoke with Nguyen, who explained that A had come to her house for their dog, which sparked an argument, and they started yelling at each other. Nguyen said when she tried to go upstairs to call her friend, A grabbed her hair and pulled her down the stairs, causing her to hit her head and break the arbor at the bottom of the stairwell. Nguyen said she prevented A from leaving until the police got there. Officers spoke with A, who confirmed coming over for their dog, adding that Nguyen threatened to damage their vehicle before grabbing them. A admitted that the two held each other on the stairwell, causing Nguyen to fall and break her arbor. Officers noticed hair at the bottom of the steps, which appeared to belong to Nguyen, corroborating her statement. A was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault.

Stevyn Thornton punches man in face 40-50 times while impersonating security at 404 Bar & Grill

34-year-old Stevyn Terrell Thornton and Steve Jean-Babtiste claimed to be 404 Bar & Grill security on May 5th. Officers were dispatched next door to the Citgo on Nolensville Pike, where they spoke with Kevin Chavez-Hernandez. Kevin stated that Jean-Babtiste walked to his car and threw his keys across the parking lot before pointing a rifle at him, which was witnessed by Zonia Adelia Soto Coz. Zonia provided officers with footage of the occurrence, showing Fransisco Romero trying to pull Jean-Babtiste off of Kevin. During the scuffle, Thornton started punching Fransisco, threw him to the ground, mounted him, and continued striking him 40-50 times, leaving him defenseless and causing severe face injuries and head trauma. Fransisco was transported to Vanderbilt. Then, Thornton pulled out his pepper spray, threatening the crowd before using it on an unidentified woman. When officers located Jean-Babtiste and Thornton, they were posted outside with the other security guards, wearing matching black military-style uniforms and body armor. Thornton told officers he oversaw security, but when they asked him to provide proof, he could not. Thornton was then taken into custody for aggravated assault and the impersonation of a licensed professional.

DUI: 18-Year-Old Mateus Alves crashes car, tells police he was “Distracted by his radio”

18-year-old Mateus Alves and his juvenile passenger were involved in a car accident near Green Hills Child Development on Belmont Boulevard in the early hours of March 30th. Alves’ passenger was transported to the hospital for her injuries. When officers arrived, Alves admitted he was the driver of the vehicle. Alves told officers that he was distracted by his radio, which caused the crash. Alves then asked officers the same questions repeatedly, exhibiting signs of impairment. Officers then asked if Alves would take sobriety tests. He consented, performed poorly, and agreed to provide a blood sample. Alves was transported to Nashville General and then taken into custody for driving under the influence.

DUI: Kelly Matthews drinks with buddies before flipping his vehicle

29-year-old Kelly Matthews had a single-vehicle accident in the early hours of February 12th. Officers arrived and spoke with Matthews, who advised that he lost control of his vehicle and had driven off the roadway before rolling over. Officers observed Matthews to be visibly intoxicated and asked if he would perform sobriety tests, to which he consented. Matthews then performed poorly on sobriety tests. Matthews was read his Miranda rights and verbally waived them. He also made statements about coming from the bar with his buddies under Miranda. Matthews was then informed of implied consent, to which he refused. Matthews was taken into custody for driving under the influence and implied consent.

John Griffin mistook himself for a snack, fell asleep in snack room of building

36-year-old John Griffin was jailed for public intoxication on February 11 in Nashville. Officers responded to the call of a person asleep in the snack room of the building and located Griffin in a deep slumber. They woke him up and noticed he was inebriated and unable to walk by himself without falling over. They tried to let him call someone to retrieve him, but he kept giving them a street address instead of a phone number for them to call. Griffin was taken into custody for public intoxication and transported to booking in all of his glory.