Colin Hefner assaults roommate for backing away when he attempted to hug him

36-year-old Colin Hefner had an altercation with Alberto Roman at his Bakertown Road residence on July 18th. Upon arrival, officers spoke with Alberto Roman and two witnesses. One of the witnesses said Hefner had approached Alberto and started talking to him. Alberto stated that Hefner was getting too close, so he kept backing up. Then, while Alberto and Hefner continued their conversation, Hefner attempted to hug him. Alberto responded by moving away and asking Hefner what he was doing. After this, Hefner told Alberto he was trying to hug him, then raised his hand as if he were going to punch him. Hefner said that he was playing but hit Alberto’s left eye. Hefner was then cited for the occurrence. Hefner was later booked on the citation of assault on August 13th.