Zakeri Greer fires shot outside baby mama’s house, threatens to come back with AK-47 — free on $1K bond

Metro Police responded to a shots-fired call on Briarwick Drive on February 17th, during which 20-year-old Zakeri Greer had threatened his child’s mother, Jasmine Howse, then allegedly drove by her home and fired a gun. As police were taking her report, Greer texted the victim, stating he was heading back over, and this time he was bringing his AK-47, placing her in imminent fear of her life.

DUI: Tyler Miller passes a cop at 95 mph after leaving ‘Hidden Bar’ in downtown Nashville

36-year-old Tyler James Miller sped past a Metro Nasvhille Police officer at 95 mph on I-65 last weekend. The officer conducted a traffic stop during which Miller stated he was driving to his home in Antioch, however, that was in the opposite direction of his travel. He further stated he had been downtown drinking at the “Hidden Bar” inside the Noelle Hotel. Miller performed poorly on field sobriety tests. He admitted to having a handgun in the vehicle and was additionally charged for that.

Woman charged with DUI after East Nashville brunch — Maria Mousourakis

46-year-old Maria Mousourakis told police she had “two bloody Mary’s” for brunch last Saturday, with the last one at about 4 p.m. before crashing her car just after 5:30 p.m. Police say she was “extremely apologetic” about the crash and the car she rear-ended in East Nashville. She admitted to being distracted and causing the crash, and refused all field sobriety and another testing.

Victim tracks down suspects who stole her wallet at downtown Nashville Bar — Daniela Beltran

22-year-old Daniela Beltran is charged with theft after police a woman’s wallet was stolen at Kid Rock’s bar on Broadway in downtown Nashville. The victim began receiving alerts her cards were being used at Layla’s bar just two blocks away. The victim, Emily Johnson, went to Layla’s bar and found Daniela and a Hispanic male in possession of the stolen wallet. The male fled the scene prior to the officer’s arrival, and Beltran was taken into custody. The victim says she spoke in English to her before the police arrived, but would only speak in Spanish to the police.

Boyfriends brawl: one presses charges, the other does not — Isaiah McDaniel, arrested.

21-year-old Isaiah McDaniel was jailed this week, charged with the domestic assault of his boyfriend, Omarion Wright. Omarion says Isaiah accused him of cheating, so he took out his phone and began to record the interaction. The video shows Isaiah yelling and punching Omarion in the stomach, and he attempted to put him in a chokehold during the struggle. He sustained some scratches on his chest and back. Isaiah says it was the other way around, and Omarion accused him of cheating after he received a message notification on his phone. He claims that before the video began, Omarion hit him in the back of the head, and he got angry and responded by hitting him in the stomach. Isaiah did not want to prosecute for the assault on him, however, Omarion wished to seek charges against Isaiah.

Florida woman charged in attack of sister-in-law after leaving Whiskey Row — Jamie Nations

34-year-old Jamie Nations is charged with the domestic assault and bodily injury of her sister-in-law, Elizabeth Diane Thenthirath, after leaving Whiskey Row in downtown Nashville. As the two were walking back to their vehicle, an argument began because of a 3rd party who was walking with them from the bar. It turned physical when Jamie attacked Elizabeth, leaving her with scratch marks and blood on her face and ear when officers arrived.

Woman charged in assault of boyfriend when he says he can’t protect her from an ex in jail — Tiffany Russ

Police say 48-year-old Tiffany Russ was drinking when she received a message from an ex-boyfriend who was in jail in Memphis, and her current boyfriend told her he was unable to protect her from the ex-boyfriend who was in jail. Witnesses say she became increasingly angry and began to use a knife to cut up furniture around the home, also breaking a window and a vase. When the current boyfriend, Ronald DeVaughn, tried to “calm her down” she slashed at him with the knife causing him to be in fear she was going to attack him.

Irma Alvarez charged in knife attack of ex-boyfriend after discovering he was texting other women

34-year-old Irma Alvarez is jailed in lieu of a $25,000 bond after being booked on an outstanding warrant from May charging her with felony aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. The warrant was issued after a nurse called police when Jairo Lagos presented to the emergency room with an already bandaged laceration from a knife wound. He revealed he had been at his ex-girlfriend’s apartment and when she discovered he had been texting other females she took his phone and grabbed a kitchen knife, attempting to stab him. He grabbed the knife in an attempt to disarm him, but as she pulled the knife back it left a severe cut to his right hand.

Colorado woman deemed too drunk for the Nashville International Airport — Nicole Benallo

Police say 40-year-old Nicole Benallo was found sitting on the ground near a crosswalk at the Nashville International Airport. Callers reported she had stumbled and fallen onto the ground. As officers approached to assist, they could immediately smell alcohol coming from her and noted her extreme level of intoxication. Due to her inability to care for herself in public, she was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

Teen says father assaulted him over cookies — Jose Serrano, arrested

42-year-old Jose Serrano is charged with the assault of his 16-year-old son. The son called 911 to report his father grabbed him by the neck, strangling, injuring, and leaving marks on him, after his father became upset the child was eating cookies that were not his. Police documented multiple scratches and red marks on both sides of the child’s neck. The father says his son is disrespectful and has not been going to school, and he only fought back in self-defense, claiming his child tried to punch him.