Daniel Green sprays wheelchair-bound roommate in face with bleach during altercation

73-year-old Daniel Green had a domestic altercation with his roommate, Sharon Jackson, at their Rio Vista Pike residence on August 30th. When officers arrived, they observed Jackson with a towel over her face and spoke with Kendall Press, a witness. She stated that Green had sprayed her mother, Jackson, in the face with bleach and had been in the bedroom yelling ever since. Jackson told the police that after she used the bathroom, she exited with her hoveround wheelchair and faced Green. She stated this led to a verbal dispute that escalated when he sprayed her with the bleach.

Green told officers he had been having issues with Jackson, who was supposed to leave the property on September 1st. Green further explained that during his and Jackson’s argument, she attempted to enter his bedroom after he had warned her not to. He said that after she tried entering, he sprayed her with bleach to defend himself. Green stated that Jackson then threatened to assault him with plywood and blocked him from closing his bedroom door with her foot. Green then struck her foot with a wooden stick so he could shut the door. Jackson was transported to the hospital for medical treatment. Then, Green was deemed the primary aggressor and taken into custody for domestic assault.

Sabah Abdullah assaults woman after accusing her of hitting him with cart at Sam’s Club

56-year-old Sabah Abdullah had an altercation with Niresha Atkins at Sam’s Club on Antioch Pike on March 28th. Niresha Atkins told officers that Abdullah came up to her and accused her of hitting him with her cart and tried to hold her there, not letting her leave. Then, she said he started throwing items out of her cart, which several witnesses confirmed. Sharon Jackson, a witness, told officers that she did not see Atkins hit Abdullah with a cart but said she observed him get in her face and throw her items. He was cited for the incident and booked on the citation for assault on April 16th.