Max Lastfogel steals $26,933 worth of merchandise from Electronic Express

29-year-old Max Lastfogel was taken into custody for theft on May 30th. On May 23rd, around 10 p.m., one of Lastfogel’s co-workers observed him exiting the business with property. Lastfogel told them that he had purchased the item for his home. On May 24th, management at the location checked and could not find proof of him buying anything. Then, when management reviewed the cameras, they showed Lastfogel entering the server room and turning off the cameras from 10:05 p.m. until 10:45 p.m. before leaving. The key card system showed Lastfogel swiping the key card to access the warehouse, where merchandise is stored. Then, further investigation led them to discover he had done this multiple times since at least April 2024. On May 30th, detectives spoke with Lastfogel, and under Miranda, he confessed to stealing multiple times, dating back to possibly February 2024. Lastfogel then wrote a list of 10 items he had taken. He walked with them through his home and pointed out 24 items he had stolen. Electronic Express management conducted an inventory check and found the value of the stolen property at $26,933.10. He was then detained for the occurrence on May 31st.