Karstea Johnson charged with selling beer to a minor during Predators game at Bridgestone

28-year-old Karstea Johnson sold a Michelob Ultra to a confidential informant with the Tennessee Alcohol Beverage Commission (TABC), who presented an ID stating their age as 19, which Johnson visually checked. A special agent witnessed the sale, which occurred during the Nashville Predators hockey game on December 13, and issued a citation to Johnson for the crime. She was booked on that citation this week.

Ateet Upadhyaya resists arrest after causing disturbance in downtown Nashville

Metro Nashville Police encountered a very intoxicated 35-year-old Ateet Upadhyaya outside the Lucky Bastard Saloon in downtown Nashville on January 15 as he was repeatedly walking over to a group of strangers and interrupting their evening and being a general annoyance. Officers noted if his behavior didn’t stop, a fight would likely break out. Ateet walked away a few feet and then reached both hands out and grabbed two random individuals by their necks, assaulting them. Officers attempted to gain control of Ateet to place him into custody and eventually had to pin him against a wall to gain compliance.

Kaiser Aluminum executive Edgar Scott charged in assault of wife at Nashville Hotel

58-year-old tourist Edgar Scott of Idaho was jailed Thursday evening, charged with the domestic assault of his wife, Karen Scott. Security video from the Four Seasons Hotel shows Edgar in the valet area when Karen walks up to him. He then shoves his wife to the ground at 5:53 p.m., causing a serious injury that resulted in her being transported to Vanderbilt University Medical Center for treatment. Despite the video, Edgar told police “nothing physical occurred” and claimed they were just trying to get back to their hotel. He admitted to drinking and was heavily intoxicated, according to Metro Nashville Police. Edgar Scott is the Vice President of Environmental and Governmental Affairs for Kaiser Aluminum.

Chase Mitchell (Mr. 615) charged with gun and meth possession in Nashville

39-year-old Chase Mitchell, known locally as “Mr. 615”, was pulled over in a traffic stop late Thursday night due to the license plate not matching the vehicle he was driving on Old Hickory Blvd. He told Officer Bryan Malone, “I must have put the wrong tag on the vehicle; I own a car lot.” As Mitchell reached into the glove box to retrieve the registration, officers observed a TEC-9 gun on the floorboard and asked Mitchell to step away. Mitchell stated he also had a 9mm Ruger in his front pocket when asked. After securing both firearms, it was discovered Case Mitchell was a convicted felon. He was placed under arrest for possessing the handguns, and at booking, deputies located crystal methamphetamine in his wallet that he brought into the jail…

Nossi Adriana Lamb steals hard drives from ex-lover, refuses to return them

In November, 32-year-old Nossi Adriana Lamb arrived at the home of her ex-boyfriend, Andrew Muller, with movers to gather some of her belonging. At some point during the morning, he discovered Nossi and the movers in the basement where he keeps his recording equipment and told them to leave the basement as they had no business down there. After they left, he discovered a printer and external hard drives had been stolen. He provided the police with receipts for the items. A conversation with Nossi’s father revealed she had taken the hard drives, and he claimed they would be returned after her “intellectual property” was removed from the drives. After she never returned the drives, a warrant was issued for her arrest.

Jack Carpenter unable to handle his alcohol, found lying on downtown Nashville sidewalk

Metro Nashville Police responded to 3rd & Broadway early Thursday morning, where they found 25-year-old Jack Carpenter lying on the sidewalk in an extreme state of intoxication. Medics also arrived to assist due to his level of intoxication, and Carpenter became verbally aggressive with them, eventually refusing all assistance. He did not have a phone on him and was unable to provide officers with anyone to assist him back to where he was staying or the name of the place he was staying. He was given a place to stay for the evening, the Metro Nashville Jail, where he was charged with public intoxication.

Amany Megali says she bit her child’s arm because he wouldn’t listen to her commands

30-year-old Amany Megali told detectives during an interview that she bit the arm of her six-year-old son, breaking the skin and leaving a substantial injury, because he was “refusing to listen to her commands.” The Department of Children’s Services and Metro Nashville Police became involved when the child’s father took his son to Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital after he complained of arm pain and stated his mother bit him.

Shakeim “Wilton” Dunbar snatches wig off girlfriend’s head during argument

20-year-old Shakeim “Wilton” Dunbar admits to snatching the wig off the head of his girlfriend, Robnique Goodner, during an argument on January 14. The two were in a verbal argument when he plucked the postiche from its position. Robnique told police it left a bald spot on her head, and they observed a small amount of dried blood in her ear. She reportedly hit him in self-defense during the hair heist. Dunbar was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

Funeral Director Melvin Smith fires warning shot after disagreement over pothole repair work

73-year-old Funeral Home Owner Melvin Smith, of Smith Brothers Funeral Directors on Monroe Street, hired Nalor Smith to repair some potholes in the parking lot of his North Nashville funeral home on January 7. When the job was complete, Smith reportedly broke their verbal agreement on the terms of the work and stated he wasn’t going to pay Nalor for his work. Nalor and his two employees prepared to dig up the work they had already completed since it wasn’t going to be paid for, and Melvin Smith brandished a handgun and first a shot into the air at 3:50 p.m. This placed all of the workers in fear, and they packed their things and waited for the police in the parking lot across the street.

Brandon Howard charged with P80 ghost gun and theft of 2022 Camry

18-year-old Brandon Howard told police, “I would have dusted y’all!” had it not been for the spike strips they deployed to stop him as he fled in a stolen Toyota Camry late Sunday night. He was driving a 2022 white Toyota Camry that was just stolen from Whites Creek Pike and was being tracked by its owner, who was relaying the information to police. With the assistance of AirOne, all three occupants of the vehicle were taken into custody after short foot pursuits. A P80 ‘ghost gun’ with an automatic switch was found within reach of Howard at the time of his arrest… more details inside