Stalking: Woman breaks into ex-boyfriend’s home; is bitten by his dog — Carla Hilliard

49-year-old Carla Hilliard was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail Saturday on multiple outstanding warrants related to the stalking of her ex-lover, Ronnie Perfect. The couple ended the relationship in late September, and since that time Hilliard has continued to stalk and harass 60-year-old Ronnie Perfect. Some of the incidents include her showing up at his home and work and refusing to leave, she then used a heavy marker to write “Fa***t Loser” on the hood of his vehicle at his workplace.

Most recently she broke into his home, chased him through the residence, and only fled after his dog bit her, leaving a trail of blood on her way out. She is free on a $5,000 bond.

Man charged with threatening ex-girlfriend after she reported his crimes to police — Diante Wilkes

28-year-old Diante Wilkes is charged with breaking into his ex-girlfriend’s car and taking her speakers. Once he learned she had reported the incident and warrants had been issued for his arrest he reportedly began to text his ex, Jessica Carter, and make threats of physical violence if she didn’t “cancel the warrants”.

In addition to the open warrants for theft and auto burglary, Wilkes was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail earlier this week, also charged with coercion of a witness. He remains jailed in lieu of a $7,500 bond.

Man given $1500 bond for eating $2 worth of donuts inside Antioch Mapco — Robert Fathera arrested

53-year-old Robert Fathera was found sitting on the floor of an Antioch Mapco just before 10 a.m. Tuesday, his lips covered in white powder. Police determined he had taken two honey bunds and a pack of white powdered donuts from the shelf and consumed them while inside the store without any way to pay for them.

He was reportedly intoxicated, and had urinated on himself. Police charged him with public intoxication ($250 bond) and theft of merchandise ($1500 bond) and transported him to jail. The value of the stolen items was determined to one $2.00 by store management.

Man pretends to be staff at Kid Rock’s Bar, takes money, uses it to buy his own drinks — Robert Lee Hurd

52-year-old Robert Lee Hurd was denied entry into Kid Rock’s Bar in downtown Nashville, so he snuck through a window and milled about inside where he pretended to be an employee of the bar. Hurd took money from patrons under the guise of getting them drinks, however, he used it to buy himself drinks… $83.84 worth, to be exact – so approximately 4 drinks. He is charged with criminal trespass and theft, and is free on a $1,000 bond.

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