Eddie Oliver Jr. booked after staring into women’s cars in parking lot

27-year-old Eddie Anthony Oliver Jr. was taken into custody for criminal trespass and disorderly conduct on May 6th. When officers arrived, they spoke with the complainant, who stated that Oliver was looking into cars in the parking lot. They also said Oliver was walking up to several female customers, approaching their driver-side windows, and making them uncomfortable. Oliver refused to leave the property when asked. Officers located him in the parking lot, where he attempted to walk away and became uncooperative. After they confirmed that the location had an active trespass on file, he was detained for the incident.

Heather Delgado caught stealing $50 out of tip jar at the Thompson Hotel

45-year-old Heather Delgado was caught stealing from the Thompson Hotel on 11th Avenue South on April 1st. When officers arrived, they observed video surveillance of Delgado waiting in line to purchase a drink. When Delgado got to the front, she ordered her drink, stole $50 from the tip jar, took her drink, and left without paying. Delgado has been asked numerous times to leave the store in the past. On April 3rd, Delgado was seen trespassing at the same hotel, where staff called the police. Delgado was taken into custody and charged with Theft and Trespassing on April 30th.                       

Anthony Wolf spits blood in officers face while being kicked out of Kid Rock’s Honky Tonk

38-year-old Anthony Ryan Wolf was being disorderly at Kid Rock’s Honky Tonk late April 28th. Security for the establishment flagged officers down regarding the incident. When they arrived, they located Wolf, who was on the ground being detained by Ian Matthew Ray, an off-duty Police Chief for the Bell Buckle Police Department. Officers tried to identify themselves to Wolf, to which he replied, “I do not give a fuck.” Officers then went to detain him, but he became resistive, pulling his arms away and tensing up. When officers got him on the ground to arrest him, he spat in Officer Danielle Prader’s face. Wolf’s mouth was full of blood due to a cut inside of his lip from an unrelated occurrence. Wolf was then transported to Nashville General Hospital.

Then, officers spoke with Ray, who stated that security from the bar approached him, advising him that there was an issue in the bathroom and that Wolf needed to be removed from the establishment. Ray said he went to the bathroom and told Wolf he needed to leave, which he refused. Ray attempted to guide him to the door, causing Wolf to become agitated and spit in his face. While security escorted Wolf outside, he kicked Ray about five times, causing soreness, and then Ray detained him. Aaron Nolan Staten, a security guard, told officers he witnessed Wolf kicking Ray repeatedly, adding that he was also kicked and did not wish to prosecute. Wolf was taken into custody for resisting arrest, two counts of assault on an officer, criminal trespass, and disorderly conduct on April 29th.

Jamie Thomas punches wife, security guard in face during incident at Westin Hotel

33-year-old Jamie Thomas had a domestic incident with his wife, Sharon Oring, at the Westin Hotel in the early hours of April 7th. Security at the hotel alerted the authorities, and when officers arrived, they advised them that Thomas was extremely intoxicated and refused to leave the property. Officers located him behind the hotel near some stairs and asked him what had happened, to which he replied, “Absolutely nothing has occurred.” Security told the police that he had punched his wife and a security guard in the face. Oring confirmed that Thomas hit her in the face but did not know if it was open or closed-handed. She said she was hit during the altercation between Thomas and security. Thomas was taken into custody for domestic assault, criminal trespass, and public intoxication.

Jarrod Gosse smacks daughter, pulls hair out of wife’s head during drunk altercation

53-year-old Jarrod Jon Gosse had a domestic incident with his wife, Michelle Gosse, and his daughter, Alexandra Gosse, at Alexandra’s 6th Avenue North residence late March 21st. Michelle and Alexandra spoke with officers when they arrived and advised them that they were out partying with Jarrod. When they returned to her house, he was intoxicated and became irate for no reason. Jarrod smacked Alexandra in the face, causing her nose to start bleeding, which woke up her mom. Michelle tried to intervene and stop the altercation, during which he started hitting and pushing her. Jarrod then pulled a large wad of hair from Michelle’s head before fleeing the scene. Michelle and Alexandria left, and when they returned, they noticed the front door had been kicked in. Jarrod returned to the scene, and then the officers were provided text messages showing him admitting to breaking into the residence. He was highly intoxicated and could not remember what had happened. Gosse was taken into custody for two counts of domestic assault and aggravated criminal trespassing.

Josiah Park runs from police after found trespassing at Vanderbilt University

31-year-old Josiah Parks was loading chemical containers into a U-Haul truck near lot nine at Vanderbilt University on the afternoon of March 13th. VUPD arrived and observed Parks running back and forth between the sidewalk and the U-Haul, repeatedly throwing a jug of water into the air. Then, Parks ran off towards the Free Electron Laser Center as officers identified themselves. When officers commanded Parks to stop, he refused. Once officers caught up to Parks, they noticed his eyes were bloodshot. When asked, Parks did not have a legitimate reason to be on the property, nor did he have consent to take the property from the owners. Parks was taken into custody for resisting arrest, criminal trespassing, and public intoxication.

California Tourist Alansan Bangura tased after resisting arrest, tells officers they’re “enslaving him”

36-year-old California tourist Alansan Bangura caused a disturbance at Luke’s 32 Bridge late March 10th. Security for the establishment alerted authorities and advised them that Bangura refused to leave the bar after being told to do so. Security noted that this was due to Bangura annoying other patrons, bumping into them, and making a scene. When the officers arrived, they tried to speak with him, but he was verbally irate, disregarding their commands. Officers then went to detain Bangura, but he became resistive, pushing backward, causing them to fall onto the ground in an unknown liquid. During this scuffle, Bangura fell onto Officer Tucker, injuring his shoulder. While on the ground, Bangura continued to resist, refusing to give officers his hands. When officers got his left wrist into a handcuff, they told him that he would be tasered if he continued not to cooperate, which he did not. After numerous chances, Officer Liquori placed the taser on Bangura’s back and dry-stunned him. After being tased, Bangura finally gave the officers his hand so they could detain him. Bangura repeatedly told officers that they were “enslaving him” and that they needed to take him to the precinct to let him go. Bangura also called them racial slurs while on the way to booking. Bangura was taken into custody for the assault of an officer, disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, and criminal trespassing on March 11th.

Frank Viera scuffles with bouncers at Twelve Thirty Club in downtown Nashville

Police say 25-year-old Frank Viera refused to leave the Twelve Thirty Club bar in downtown Nashville late Saturday night despite being asked multiple times by security staff to leave the venue. Frank was by the DJ booth, becoming an annoyance, and the DJ did not want him to be in the location, causing a disturbance to his work. While he initially agreed to pay his bar tab and leave, he quickly became aggressive and told them he would have to be physically removed. As they escorted him out, he attempted to fight staff, but was taken to the doorway where he met police. Frank told police the bouncers still had his prescription glasses, phone, and debit card, so he refused to leave. Security returned his glasses, which they say were broken in the scuffle. His phone and debit card were located on his person.

Catholic High School President J. Marshall Hyzdu jailed after harassing women in Nashville bar

45-year-old Catholic school president James Marshall Hyzdu was jailed in Nashville Saturday after reportedly following women around a Nashville bar, making them feel uncomfortable. Security at The Twelve Thirty Club says Hyzdu came into the bar and began to follow women around, making them uncomfortable and annoyed with the behavior. Hyzdu was escorted out of the location, only to return and continue the behavior. According to security, he was escorted out of the building six times and continued to return, even changing his clothing once to change his appearance. He was eventually detained until Metro Nashville Police arrived and took him into custody. They noted his extreme level of intoxication and had no one to contact to retrieve him or assist him back to his hotel. J. Marshall Hyzdu is the President of Archbishop Moeller High School, an all-boys Catholic school in Cincinnati, OH.

Logan Hall defecates on floor after being confronted for trespassing at Walmart

60-year-old Logan Hall refused to leave a West Nashville Walmart on the afternoon of February 14th. Walmart security officer Wanda Robertson, and Phillip McCoy, a loss prevention officer, alerted the authorities, advising them that Hall was trespassing and told to leave after being caught shoplifting. Then, Hall re-entered the establishment, sparking an argument with Robertson in the entryway. During the argument, Hall pulled on his pant leg, releasing feces onto the ground. Officers also noted that a customer nearly stepped in Hall’s feces as well. When officers arrived, they reviewed footage confirming the incident and were told that Walmart wished to prosecute. Hall was taken into custody for vandalism and criminal trespassing.