Tyler Bidwell drunkenly harasses patrons & police officers outside of Jason Aldean’s Rooftop Bar

31-year-old Tyler Lynn Bidwell flagged officers down for assistance on Broadway near Jason Aldean’s Rooftop Bar in the early hours of August 18th.  The police asked him how they could help him, and he said he would like to speak with a supervisor. During this, they observed Bidwell reeking of alcohol and showing signs of intoxication as he further explained that he wanted to know why they had a group of individuals detained. Officers responded by explaining that they were engaging with members of the community and that the individuals were free to go at any time. Then, Bidwell asked for a supervisor again. After being questioned about the nature of the request, Bidwell said, “I do not answer questions.” After several requests without a reason, officers called for a supervisor. Officers were informed that due to a high volume of service calls, they would not be able to come to the scene. The officers tried to see if they could assist Bidwell, but he refused to answer their questions. Then, they determined that he did not need their help and walked away. After this, Bidwell went to Broadway Brewhouse Downtown and started antagonizing the people speaking with officers by getting in their faces with his cell phone. The group attempted to get Bidwell to leave peacefully, but he continued to pester them about talking to the police. The individuals then went to officers and complained about Bidwell’s actions, stating that he was annoying them. Bidwell was deemed a danger to himself and was taken into custody for disorderly conduct and public intoxication.

Tyler Bidwell drunkenly threatens man with firearm after calling him racial slurs at Marathon Music Works

30-year-old Tyler Lynn Bidwell had an altercation with Christopher Daniel McGowan at a concert in Marathon Music Works on February 3rd. McGowan explained to officers that he and his friend were enjoying the music until Bidwell began disrupting them. Then, Bidwell started calling McGowan and his friend derogatory slurs while pushing them before brandishing a firearm. Officers did not find a gun upon searching Bidwell, but they noticed he was highly intoxicated, asking them the same questions repeatedly. Bidwell was taken into custody for public intoxication and assault.