Daniel Tackett attempts to throw woman out of window at Drury Plaza Hotel during argument

44-year-old Daniel Tackett had a domestic incident with Florah Tackett at the Drury Plaza Hotel on Korean Veterans Boulevard on August 19th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Florah, who stated that she and Daniel had been drinking downtown on Broadway. She further explained that their group wanted to get food, but due to medical issues, she could not walk long distances. Then, Florah said that Daniel had gotten verbally aggressive with her, so they started walking back to the hotel. Florah added that the argument continued into the hotel lobby. Florah stated a physical altercation ensued when they entered their room on the 16th floor. She went into detail, explaining that Daniel grabbed her forearms and threw her against the glass window multiple times. This caused her to believe he was trying to throw her out of the window. Florah added that Daniel punched her in the mouth, which was when she started slapping and shoving him in self-defense. She had bruises on her forearm and a cut to her lower lip. When officers spoke with Daniel, he told them he and Florah were pushing and shoving each other because she was annoying him. Daniel Tackett was taken into custody for domestic assault.