William Schumacher vandalizes police car during drunken downtown arrest

21-year-old William Schumacher was reportedly trespassing at a downtown business when security flagged down a nearby MNPD Officer, who found Schumacher to be visibly intoxicated, reeking of alcohol, and unable to care for himself. He attempted to assist Schumacher in finding his hotel of a friend to retrieve him but was unsuccessful. He was eventually taken into custody and placed in the back of a police cruiser. En route to booking, Schumacher attempted to stand up and struck the back break light with his head, dislocating the light from the ceiling of the vehicle.

19-year-old Sherrekia Kitchens jailed after breaking into ex-boyfriend’s house

19-year-old Sherrekia Kitchens was jailed on January 8th after breaking into her ex-boyfriend’s house on Carter Avenue. Todd Easly called the police and told them that Sherrekia had broken in through his basement window and was currently kicking down the basement door. He confirmed that he owned the house and that Sherrekia didn’t live there. Once inside the house, Sherrekia assaulted Todd by grabbing his wrist while he was on the phone with dispatch. Officers observed bruising to Todd’s wrist and forced entry to the basement window and door. Todd stated that he was afraid Sherrekia would harm him. Sherrekia Kitchens was taken into custody and charged with aggravated burglary and vandalism.

Debora Allen breaks roommate’s glass mugs during argument over living situation

57-year-old Debora Renee Allen had a domestic dispute with her roommate, Scott Dubrey, at Grove Creek Avenue late December 27th. Dubrey spoke with officers, advising them Allen had entered the apartment yelling for no reason and began throwing things to the ground and breaking his glass mugs. Then, he stated that she grabbed him from behind, leaving a scratch on his ear that started bleeding. When they spoke with Allen, she told them she did not know what started the disagreement but believed it was because she wanted him out of the apartment. She admitted to being upset and damaging his items but insisted she never touched him. Allen was deemed the aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault and vandalism.

Chef Chris Polley breaks into ex-boyfriend’s home, steals cologne & vinyl records

38-year-old Chef Christopher Polley was jailed Thursday on multiple felony and misdemeanor charges in Nashville. Police say he was caught on camera kicking through his ex-boyfriend’s door on N 2nd Street on Christmas Day. He does not live at the location and had no permission to be in the residence of his former lover, Philippe Boehm. Chef Polley, who until recently was the chef at Burger + Grain in the Nations, reportedly stole six bottles of cologne, valued at $500 each, and ten vinyl records, valued at approximately $200 each. Polley was clearly identified from a home security video, which was reviewed by police. In addition to kicking through the victim’s bedroom door, the back door has also been forced open, with a footprint on the door. Warrants were issued for Polley’s arrest, and he was taken into custody in the days following the incident.

Jon Erickson appears naked and bloody at his mom’s front door, smashes out glass 

45-year-old Jon Ritchie Erickson was extremely intoxicated when he appeared naked at the front door of a Jamestown Park residence where his mother lives. He was making a loud commotion, which caught the attention of his mother, Marianne Marshall. She arrived at the front door to find her son naked on the stoop and bleeding profusely. His injuries appear to be from glass, which he had broken from the panes of the front door panel. He fled the area before police arrived, but officers located him nearby. After EMS treated his wounds, Erickson attempted to flee and tensed his muscles up in an unsuccessful effort to not be arrested. Estimated damage to the home, which is owned by Benjamin Richards, was $500.

Throuple Throwdown — Zaida Johnson assaults boyfriend’s wife during argument

19-year-old Zaida Johnson had an altercation with the two other members of her throuple, married couple Damali Sommerville and Rashanda Harris, at Grove Creek on December 20th. Officers arrived and observed Rashanda Harris standing in the living room, holding knives, claiming that Johnson was an intruder. Further investigation revealed Johnson as their third partner, making the trio a throuple. Johnson advised them she was mad about Rashanda breaking the window of Johnson’s apartment in an incident earlier in the day, so she came to their residence to confront Harris. Then, Johnson entered the unlocked apartment, and a scuffle ensued between her and Harris. Johnson stated that she did not initiate the fight, but both Sommerville and Harris said she did by pulling Harris’ hair. Johnson also admitted to damaging their TV because she was angry. Zaida Johnson was taken into custody for domestic assault and vandalism. The other two throuple members have a history of violence as well.

Jarvale Chesser steals ex-girlfriend’s Mercedes-Benz C300, attempts to break-into her Honda Accord

38-year-old Jarvale Javawn Chesser was driving his at-the-time girlfriend’s, Alexis Hick’s, Mercedes-Benz C300 with expired tags on Lafayette Street in the early hours of May 29th. Officers observed this, conducted a traffic stop, and found Chesser’s license was suspended, so he was cited. On November 16th, Hicks advised officers that they had broken up, but he gained access to her Mercedes-Benz without consent and refused to comply with her demands to return it. Then, on December 17th, officers were dispatched to a domestic disturbance outside of Hick’s residence. She advised them that Chesser attempted to break into her Honda Accord and began to punch the front passenger window repeatedly, causing scratches, and he kicked the front left fender, denting it, and fled the scene. A few hours later, officers located Hick’s Benz and called a towing company. Chesser walked toward the vehicle but ran away after seeing police as they told him to stop. Officers tackled him to the ground, but he was actively restive. Chesser was taken into custody for evading arrest, resisting arrest, vandalism, and theft of property.

Isis Sanchez leaves 8-year old home alone to slash ex-boyfriend’s tires

28-year-old Isis Sanchez was involved in a domestic altercation with her ex-boyfriend, Victor Cardenas, at Andrew Jackson Way on December 18th. Officers arrived to see Sanchez walking away from Cardenas’s Whit Mercedes SUV. Her vehicle was parked in front of his, blocking Cardenas’s car from leaving. Officers observed his Mercedes to have all four of its tires slashed, leaving visible knife marks. Within a search of Sanchez’s car, in plain view, were two kitchen knives in the passenger seat. The estimated damages to the car’s tires would cost around $1000 or more. Upon being taken into custody, Sanchez told officers that she left her 8-year-old daughter at home unattended. Shortly after, officers arranged for the child’s father to pick them up. Sanchez was taken into custody and charged with vandalism.

Tamya Hill refuses to be removed from patrol car, spits in police officer’s face

25-year-old Tamya Hill was involved in an altercation with the first responding officers at West Hamilton Avenue on December 16th. Officers received a call that a woman was waving around a knife inside of a halfway house. Upon arriving, officers spoke with the residents of the halfway house, and they said that Hill had failed a drug test, so they told her that she had to leave. That infuriated Hill, so she grabbed a knife and began waving it around like she was going to use it. The residents of the halfway house produced a video of Hill yelling and waving the knife around. The officers made contact with Hill and detained her. They began to pat her down for any weapon, but she started kicking and screaming. Suddenly, Hill sat down and refused to stand up when instructed to. Officers attempted to lift her off the ground, but she began to pull away from them and resist with force. While placing Hill into the patrol car, she continued to resist and intentionally kicked Officer Nicholas Sloan in the leg. Hill later spit in the back of the patrol car, vandalizing it. In the secure garage at booking, Hill refused to leave the patrol car and violently resisted officers’ attempts to remove her from the vehicle. Hill grabbed onto a seatbelt and trapped her feet underneath the seat to prevent officers from removing her from the car. Hill then spit in the face of Officer Timothy Mclaughlin when he was trying to pull her feet from the seat.

Samuel Thomas punches hole in girlfriend’s door after waking up late for work

23-year-old Samuel Thomas had a domestic disturbance with his girlfriend, Dezmond Duran, at Hickory Club Drive on December 19th. Duran advised them that Thomas woke up late for work and began to throw items around the apartment. She looked in her room to see what he was throwing and saw him punch a hole in her door. Officers observed the fist-size hole and fresh scratches on his right hand. He stated Duran pushed him into the door, causing the hole. Thomas was deemed the primary aggressor and taken into custody for vandalism.

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