Xavier Montgomery slams girlfriend’s car door causing over $1,000 in damage

27-year-old Xavier Montgomery was booked Sunday night after causing over $1,000 worth of damages to his girlfriend’s vehicle. Shiricci Betts told officers that she and Xavier were returning to their hotel from the airport when an argument began. Shiricci suggested they stay at separate locations for the night and then drive home together in the morning. When they returned to the hotel, Xavier got out of the driver’s seat and slammed the door so hard the airbags deployed throughout the vehicle. He then left the scene before police arrived. Officers spoke with the hotel manager over the phone, who corroborated Shiricci’s story. Not only did all the airbags deploy, but a panel from the driver’s side door was missing. Xavier admitted to slamming the door and seeing the airbags deploy.

Mykayla Clemons threatens girlfriend with gun over $15, tells her “I’ll Kill You!”

34-year-old Mykayla Clemons had a domestic dispute with her girlfriend, Yarlonda Williams, at Gale Lane on December 16th. Williams advised officers that Clemons was demanding $15 and became aggressive, shoving her. The argument escalated in the apartment complex parking lot when Clemons pulled out a black handgun and waved it around, telling Williams, “I’ll kill you.” Clemons left before the officers arrived. However, Clemons drove back to the apartment complex when they were speaking with Williams. Clemons told officers that she did not have a gun on her or in her car but had a pistol magazine protruding from her right pocket. She insisted that they search her vehicle. So they did, and an all-black handgun was found. Then, Clemons stated that when Williams refused to give her the $15 she owed, Williams and her brother began to beat her up, so she came outside and broke Williams’ windows with the pistol magazine because she was making her feel small. Clemons was taken into custody for vandalism and aggravated assault.

Maurice Bacon douses boyfriend in mouthwash, throws PlayStation controller off balcony

24-year-old Maurice Bacon was involved in a domestic altercation with his boyfriend, Terence Doston, at 1st Avenue North in the intermediate hours of Sunday morning. The dispute began with the couple being engaged in an argument that escalated when they grabbed each other by their clothing. Doston suggested to law enforcement that he had taken some drugs before the argument in the morning. Bacon told officers that Doston had used a pair of scissors to cut the sweater he was wearing. When Doston was approached about the subject, he had a scratch on his face, which he stated came from a physical altercation after the argument. Doston said that Bacon threw his PlayStation controller off the balcony and threw mouthwash on him and his belongings. When Bacon was questioned about the information Doston provided, he admitted to officers that he had thrown his PlayStation controller out the window as well as thrown mouthwash at him and his belongings. Bacon was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault and vandalism.

Terence Doston rips boyfriend’s sweater during argument

28-year-old Terence Doston was involved in a domestic altercation with his boyfriend, Maurice Bacon, at 1st Avenue North in the intermediate hours of December 17th. The dispute began with the couple being engaged in an argument that escalated when they grabbed each other by their clothing. Doston suggested to law enforcement that he had taken some drugs before the argument in the morning. Bacon told officers that Doston had used a pair of scissors to cut the sweater he was wearing. When Doston was approached about the subject, he admitted that he may have ripped his sweater with his bare hands but denied using any cutting instruments. Doston was taken into custody and charged with vandalism.

Cameron Bradford Taylor sets ex-girlfriend’s car on fire after break-up

29-year-old Cameron Bradford Taylor was involved in a domestic disturbance with his ex-girlfriend, Naya Arway Waljroh, at Old Hickory Boulevard in the early hours of November 3rd. Waljroh advised officers that she had recently ended a relationship with Taylor and that he was angry about it, attempting to argue with her on social media on October 31st. She replied and blocked him on November 1st. On November 2nd, she walked outside to leave for work and realized that her car’s tires were slashed, so she completed a report for vandalism. Then, on November 3rd, she saw Taylor’s car circling the parking lot as she watched from her apartment from her window, so she began recording him. An hour later, she saw that her car was on fire and called the authorities. Taylor was taken into custody for two counts of vandalism on December 15th.

Shayna Little does donuts on ex’s new girlfriend’s front lawn

30-year-old Shayna Michelle Little vandalized Heather Herren’s residence on the afternoon of November 21st. Herren reported issues with Little due to her dating Little’s ex-boyfriend. She advised that Little arrived at her house despite being told not to and began to do donuts on her front lawn, causing damage. Officers spoke with Little on December 10th regarding the incident, and she admitted to driving her car onto Herren’s property. She also stated that she returned and spray-painted “FU” on the road, insisting it was technically not on Herren’s property. Little was taken into custody for vandalism on December 12th.

Jacob Williams assaults woman over coins, tells her “You are a Wh*re!”

35-year-old Jacob Williams had an altercation with Ashley Gail Meeks on Dickerson Pike in the late hours of August 30th. Meeks spoke with the officers and advised that she took an Uber to meet with Williams to sell her coin collection and hang out. She stated they went to the back bedroom to chill, and a few hours later, they walked out towards the front area of the trailer park to the community trailer. She said that Williams got into an unknown silver four-doored sedan, which drove him back to his trailer, so she messaged him regarding his whereabouts because they were supposed to meet at the community trailer. Meeks waited on the front steps, and another individual came out and told her that she could not hang out if she did not have a space in the community trailer, so she began to walk to William’s trailer to retrieve her belongings. When she got to his trailer, a female named Ashley answered. She said she had never seen Meeks and needed to leave. Meeks advised her that she would not leave until she got her coins back or the $200 for them. Then, Williams reportedly came out and grabbed her hair, stating, “I owe you no money! you are a whore!” Meeks said that Williams pulled her down the steps, dragged her across the ground, grabbed her phone from her, hit her in the face, and threw the phone, causing it to break. Meeks tried calling the police during this incident but could not until she ran away to the front of the trailer park, contacting them via Siri. Williams was taken into custody for vandalism, theft, and domestic assault on December 9th.

DUI: Austin Goddard drives military truck into mailbox

47-year-old Austin Goddard backed an Army truck into the mailbox at Dee’s Country Cocktail Lounge in the early hours of Monday.  He drove off without providing his information, returned, started an argument with employees, and then pulled off again. Officers observed the large military green truck and conducted an investigative stop. Goddard was visibly intoxicated when they approached but stated he only had one beer, insisting he was not under the influence. He consented to sobriety tests, performed poorly, and was taken into custody for driving under the influence, vandalism, and leaving the scene of an accident.

Mason Green trips police officer chasing his friend

23-year-old Mason Cole Green was interfering with an investigation on Broadway in the early hours of December 11th. Jared Lamb, Green’s co-defendant, was observed by officers assaulting Leslie Paul Todd, and when they attempted to separate the parties, he fled. Then, Green intentionally tripped Officer Steiner while he was in pursuit of Lamb, causing bodily injury and damage to his pants. When Steiner got back up, Green tried to flee, but he grabbed and pushed him against the wall, attempting to put him in custody, but he actively resisted. Steiner told him numerous times to comply or he would get tased. Green was placed into custody for assaulting an officer, vandalism, two counts of resisting, evading arrest, and disorderly conduct.

Emma Andrews argues with mother’s boyfriend, breaks his phone

18-year-old Emma Lashay Andrews was involved in a domestic dispute with her mother’s boyfriend, Adrian Fleming, at the apartments on Country Drive in the afternoon hours of December 4th. Fleming advised officers that the incident carried over from a verbal argument the night before. He stated that Andrews grabbed his iPhone 12 and slammed it twice on the ground. Officers observed the damaged phone, and Andrews admitted to breaking it. Andrews was taken into custody for vandalism.

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