Tourist Thomas Storch urinates on $2,000 worth of alcohol at Jason Aldean’s Bar in downtown Nashville

21-year-old Maryland tourist Thomas Storch was at Jason Aldean’s bar just before 11 p.m. Saturday when he decided to use a walk-in cooler as a restroom. Security staff told police that Storch walked into a beer storage cooler and urinated all over the alcohol stored inside, which was valued at approximately $2,000. The incident was captured on video, which was reviewed by arresting officers.

Jerome Hughley breaks girlfriend’s phone during argument over infidelity

27-year-old Jerome Hughley was arguing with his girlfriend of six years, Kristina Jennings, in the early hours of Monday morning. Hughley told officers that Jennings broke his phone due to an earlier agreement dealing with infidelity, which prompted him to later on during the day take her phone from her and smash it when they both got back to their hotel. When later questioned by officers, Hughley and Jennings admitted they broke each other’s phones. Hughley was taken into custody and charged with vandalism.

Keosha Ferguson attempts to stab ex-girlfriend during dispute

21-year-old Keosha Ferguson was arguing with her ex-girlfriend, Antwameshia Jordan, about their recent breakup during the late hours of Tuesday evening. When Jordan brought up her most recent girlfriend, the argument turned physical. Ferguson went on a rampage, destroying Jordan’s phone and two of her mirrors. Ferguson then diverted her attention to Jordan, hitting her in the face, and then proceeded to grab a blue folding knife and charge at her, threatening to kill her. Ferguson swung the blade at her but missed and stabbed the couch. Jordan got into a struggle to get the knife out of Ferguson’s hand, but Ferguson bit her on her forearm. Officers came to observe the broken mirrors and the injury to Jordan’s arm. Ferguson shortly came back and attempted to gain entry into the apartment but was placed in handcuffs by officers. Ferguson, while being escorted out of the apartment, said that she was going to come back and kill Jordan and admitted to biting her and destroying her items. Ferguson was booked previously for an incident involving assault in November of 2022.

18-year-old Kavel Pigrum breaks into home, punches police officer

18-year-old Kavel S. Pigrum was jailed on November 19th after officers were dispatched for a burglary in progress. When officers arrived, they observed the glass patio door had been shattered. They entered the apartment to ensure no one was inside. While clearing the apartment, they observed items thrown all around in disarray. The home belonged to Malachi Blackmith; his mother arrived while police were on the scene because she was notified that the alarm was going off. She also provided a location where Malachi’s phone was pinging. Officers put in a welfare check to that location and discovered North officers were already with Malachi and Pigrum. Before Malachi was arrested for unrelated charges, he showed police video footage of Pigrum throwing a rock at the patio door, shattering it. After the glass was shattered, Pigrum, along with two juveniles, went inside the apartment and began smashing items that were worth up to two thousand dollars. Malachi told police he believed Pigrum was looking for him due to a domestic incident involving him and Pigrum’s sister.

It was also reported that while North officers were taking Malachi into custody, Pigrum pulled up with multiple individuals, got out of the car, and ran towards officers. The officers commanded him to get back, but he refused and began throwing punches toward Malachi. During the “flurry” of punches, Pigrum hit an officer in the face, leaving a mark and causing swelling to his left eye. After the officer was hit, the fight was broken up, and Pigrum was placed in cuffs.

Eric McGee punches woman in face, breaks her phone

36-year-old Eric McGee was jailed Sunday morning after assaulting a woman on Chutney Drive in Antioch. Jade Wallace was yelling and crying hysterically as she told police that McGee beat her up and needed to go to jail. Wallace showed officers video footage from the front door camera that showed McGee opening the front door as Wallace approached, punching her in the face, and dragging her into the house. After arriving at booking, Wallace advised that her phone broke while she was being dragged. Wallace then told McGee that she had called the police, so McGee threw her iPhone 14 to the ground and shattered it completely. Officers observed the broken phone.

Zachary Hodskins smashes girlfriend’s phone during dispute

27-year-old Zachary Thomas Hodskins was involved in a domestic disturbance with his girlfriend, Lauren Dupree, on Kirkwood Avenue on November 19th. Officers could see the couple arguing through the front door as they arrived. Hodskins advised them that he and Dupree were having a verbal disagreement over something that happened earlier. Dupree also stated that the argument occurred but also mentioned that Hodskins grabbed her phone and smashed it on the ground. He was taken into custody for vandalism.

Adam Williams vandalizes property at Psychiatric Hospital, damages worth over $5,000

19-year-old Adam Williams was jailed on November 16th for destroying property inside TriStar Centennial Parthenon Pavilion. The facility’s director, Mr. Ronald Haskamp, stated that Williams was admitted on October 27th. During his stay, he destroyed $5,886 worth of property. On October 29th, officers were called to the facility after Williams had destroyed multiple doors of the area where he was being housed. Mr. Haskamp stated the damage done to the doors cost $5,000 in repairs. When Williams was asked why he destroyed the doors, he stated, “Because he was angry.” Officers viewed video surveillance that was recorded on November 13th that showed Williams pouring liquid onto a computer, causing $886 worth of damage. After being medically discharged from the facility, Williams was taken into custody.

18-year-old Robin Weatherall robs family at gunpoint

18-year-old Robin Weatherall was taken into custody on November 15th for the robbery of Yesenia Judith Yoc Coronado and her husband in June at the parking lot of Central Transport. Coronado advised officers that she, her husband, and their three children went to Central Transport to purchase a nail gun and an impact gun that was being sold on Facebook Market. Coronado’s husband texted the seller, letting him know they were at Central Transport. Then he pulled alongside a red SUV and got out to meet the seller, where Weatherall came from behind him, pointing a handgun at him before pistol-whipping him. Weatherall demanded money from Coronado’s husband as he told him and the seller to get on the ground. Coronado was able to record parts of the robbery with her cell phone as Weatherall took her husband’s phone and stomped on it. Weatherall went through Coronado’s purse, and she was able to get a close-up video of him before he took pictures of their license plate, threatening to come after them later, stole $700, and fled with the seller. An investigation was conducted, and officers were able to identify Weatherall as the suspect, charging him with two counts of aggravated robbery and vandalism.

Edie Bjerstedt breaks boyfriend’s glasses during argument

32-year-old Edie Bjerstedt was jailed on Tuesday for vandalizing her boyfriend’s property after an argument on Lea Avenue. Edie stated that she and William McPeak had been dating for about six months. They argued after a night out, and Williams began throwing her personal items around the room and threatened to throw her cell phone in the toilet. Officers observed personal items scattered throughout the home. William told officers that during the argument, Edie twisted up his glasses and broke them. The officers observed the broken glasses, and Edie admitted to destroying them and being the cause of escalating the altercation.

Ricky Green vandalizes Little Chicago Pizza

29-year-old Ricky Green Jr. was taken into custody on November 14 for vandalizing Little Chicago Pizza back in July. Green was seen on surveillance footage and had provided his cell phone for an order he had placed there prior to the vandalism. Green was later identified when he filed a police report in September and provided that same phone number. Officers were able to compare the surveillance and body footage of Green filing the September report to confirm that Green was indeed the suspect. The total cost of repairs is $1,893.31.

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