In honor of Jerry Springer, meet Christian Gregory.

23-year-old Christian Gregory was booked this week for getting into a fight with Kelodjah Holt after she confronted Christian about sleeping with her ex-boyfriend and brother, Kelodjah Holt. A male called in on the line whispering about people being in his apartment that shouldn’t be. Police responded to Green Circle in Goodlettsville and spoke with Christian and her sisters, Talissa Gregory, and Shamaree Ramsey. Christian had just been in a fight with Kelodjah, who also lived in the apartment complex. Kelodjah found out that Christian had been sleeping with her ex-boyfriend and her brother, so she went to Christian’s apartment to confront her, and the argument turned into a fight.

During the fight, Christian grabbed a kitchen knife in self-defense, but Shamaree knocked it out of her hands and separated the two. Kelodjah ran to get back to her apartment, and Christian got in Shamaree’s car to follow her. Talissa ran after Christian but lost sight of her as she drove off. Talissa believed that Christian was hiding and waiting for an opportunity to attack Kelodjah, but it was later discovered that she circled the complex and went back to her apartment to grab another knife.

Christian pulled up to Kelodjas’s apartment and exited the car screaming, “I’m going to kill you b$*ch.” Christian slashed Kelodjah’s front passenger’s tire and then scratched her car with a knife. She then lunged at her while swinging the knife in her direction. Kelodjah told police that she feared for her life, and her claims were corroborated by Talissa and Shamaree. Officers found a broken knife blade lying on the hood of Kelodjah’s car and a knife handle sitting in the center console of Shamaree’s car, confirming that Christian used the knife.

Davy Huff charged with setting neighbor’s car on fire

32-year-old Davy Huff was booked this week after setting his neighbor’s car on fire. Cheri Frazier looked outside and saw her car on fire on April 15. She ran outside and was able to record a video of Huff walking away from her car with a gas can. She easily recognized him as he used to live in the apartment below her. His identity was verified by apartment management and a warrant was issued for his arrest.

Laura Wright charged after keying car in road rage incident

28-year-old Laura Wright was booked this week for a road rage incident that took place on Old Hickory Boulevard. Raymond Bateman told police that on April 23rd Wright sped up to tailgate him while blowing her horn and flipping him a bird with her middle finger. They both stopped and got out of their cars, then Wright walked up to Bateman and punched him in the mouth. He got back in his vehicle and called the police. While on the phone, he saw Wright scratching the hood of his car with a key. Two autobody shops estimated the repair would cost just under $2,000.

Ryan Slice booked on road rage vandalism warrant; punched through car window

40-year-old Ryan Slice was booked this week on an outstanding warrant from 2015 after a road rage incident on 4th Avenue. Michael Walker told police that he was driving on 4th toward Broadway when Slice pulled up to him in a silver Ford Fusion yelling and accusing Walker of cutting him off. Slice tried to get Walker out of his vehicle, and when he refused, he began to kick his back door, causing a dent, and punched the driver’s side window until it shattered. The estimate for the repair of Walker’s vehicle was over $1,000. Slice is free on a $1,000 cash bond.

Robbie Cook charged with assault of two men who inherited family estate he felt was his

18-year-old Robbie Cook was jailed on April 29th after threatening to kill two men that were left most of the estate that he felt should have been left to him in his great aunt’s will. Jeffrey Pentecost and James Derrick Simpson were given permission to live on the property by the estate owner in her will and probate before she passed away. They looked after Cook, the estate owner’s great-nephew, until he recently turned 18. Cook came over that night and was aggravated that he was not left any of the property in his great aunt’s will. Mr. Simpson played an audio recording from his cell phone where officers could hear Cook repeatedly threatening him and Mr. Pentecost, stating, “You must want to die tonight,” “I’m going to kill you both, you pussy ass motherfuckers”, and “you won’t know what’s going to hit you.” While Cook was making those threats, he was waving a knife and lunging at them. When Mr. Simpson initially called the police, Cook had just left the property, went to his truck, and pulled out a baseball bat. He walked up to the RV that Mr. Simpson and Mr. Pentecost live in and smashed the front windshield. The estimated cost to replace the windshield was $3,000.

Bruce Lee arrested after fight family

32-year-old Bruce Lee was booked this week on an outstanding warrant from July 2021, when he assaulted family members at their apartment on Hollow Terrace. Police spoke with Ada Taylor, Tashina Taylor, and Christian Taylor, who all lived in the apartment with Lee. Ada is the mother of Tashina and Christian and the Godmother of Lee. Tashina and Lee were in an argument where he was cursing at her, and her brother Christian intervened, telling Lee not to speak to his mother and sister with disrespect. The family said that’s when Lee lost control and started attacking them. He hit Christian with a metal step stool, and they began to fight. Police observed a bloody gash on Christian’s left forearm. The fight continued into the living room on the couch, where Ada and Tashina helped break it up. That’s when Lee grabbed Ada’s cell phone and threw it to the ground, breaking it. At the time of his arrest, he had additional outstanding warrants from other jurisdictions.

Esvin Sanchez-Godinez stabs roommate with knife during argument

20-year-old Esvin Sanchez-Godinez was jailed on April 18th after allegedly stabbing his roommate during a fight at their home on Buckingham Court. Wanfer Mendez- Perez was transported to Tri-Star medical center, where he told police that Esvin stabbed him in his side with a knife during a fight at their home. Police responded to the house and found Esvin lying in bed with blood on his hands and a cut on the palm of his right hand. Officers saw a bloody shirt beside him and a broken knife in the kitchen. Wanfer told police that Esvin smashed his phone into the ground during the fight, destroying it completely. Esvin made statements during the investigation that were inconsistent with the incident and requested an attorney when read his Miranda rights.

Monroe Shivers & Patrick Dudley charged in attempted Nordstrom robbery at Green Hills

30-year-old Monroe Shivers & 24-year-old Patrick Dudley were booked this week on an outstanding warrant from January after attempting to rob the Nordstrom store at Green Hills Mall. Video surveillance showed a black BMW X3 parked at the store entrance. Four individuals got out and broke the glass doors but couldn’t break down the metal doors behind the glass and fled the scene. Mall security told police that the exact vehicle with four individuals successfully burglarized a Belk store in Birmingham, Alabama, earlier that same day and stole $35,000 worth of handbags. The tag on the BMW was scanned into the LPR system to alert police when it was in their vicinity. Kentucky Highway Patrol located and attempted to pull over the BMW, but it fled, leading to a car chase until it crashed, and the four individuals were taken into custody. Multiple Handbags were found inside the vehicle, along with hammers, sledgehammers, ski masks, and gloves.

Devontee Matthews kicks door into pregnant roommate’s belly

21-year-old Devontee Matthews was jailed on April 14th after kicking a door into his pregnant roommate’s belly. Police spoke with Shanifa Honore, who said she and Matthews got into an argument which escalated when he kicked her bedroom door into her belly hard enough for it to knock her head onto the wall. Shanifa told police that Matthews returned to her room and hit her tv, causing the screen to crack. Officers saw the damaged door and tv, and Shanifa was visibly pregnant. There was video evidence of the incident as well. Matthews told police that he was upset about statements Shanifa and her boyfriend made. He was determined to be the primary aggressor and taken into custody.

Farren Oliver kills boyfriend’s dog; attacks boyfriend with Swiffer Sweeper; destroys his car

32-year-old Farren Oliver is free on a $17,500 bond after admitting to killing her boyfriend’s dog, attacking him with a Swiffer sweeper, and taking a pry bar to his car. Police say she told Joseph Donald she was going to poison his dog, and later that evening texted him photos eating, stating she “gave him something.” He got home and took his dog to the emergency vet, where it died. He provided police with an audio recording of Oliver admitting to giving the dog Xylitol. When he was then gathering some of his things from the home to leave she hit him on the head with a Swiffer sweeper, leaving significant injury to his head, and she attacked him, leaving scratches on his body. She ran into the house and locked him out, so he then climbed through the window to continue retrieving his belongings. While he was doing that, Farren went outside with a flat pry bar and smashed his windshield, windows, and tail lights. A ring video doorbell captured the incident; however, Farren would not allow police to view it.

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