Oscar Garcia says wife bashed her own head into a tree, despite witnesses watching him punch her

Police say 31-year-old Oscar Garcia told his wife, Julia Hernandez, he was going to drive to Atlanta, and she told him he should not because he was drunk. Unhappy with her response, Garcia reportedly pushed her multiple times and asked to use her phone, as he had broken his. When she refused to provide her phone, he then landed two punches to her face with his fists before fleeing the scene in a vehicle. He returned to the residence while police were taking the incident report and claimed his wife bashed her own head into a tree, despite there being multiple witnesses to the assault.

DUI: Charles Rhodes arrested again, this time with his pants down in a parking garage

Two weeks after Nashville Police encountered a rowdy 44-year-old Charles Rhodes arguing about a lost wallet at the Tin Roof Bar, they found him in the parking garage of 70 Music Square West, standing outside his car with his pants halfway down. Officer Dallas Johnson says when Rhodes noticed his patrol car he jumped inside his own vehicle and backed up nearly striking the police vehicle. He would eventually fail field sobriety tests and be charged with DUI.

Canadian TikToking Trucker Samuel Plourde found drunk and lying in roadway; laughed when asked how much he drank

24-year-old Canadian Trucker Samuel Plourde, who has a substantial following on Tiktok, was found lying in the middle of the right turn lane of Woodland Street just after 4 a.m. Thursday. Nashville Police say he reeked of an “extreme odor” of alcohol, and just laughed uncontrollably when asked how much he had to drink. His social media shows he left for Nashville on March 7th and had since arrived and parked his truck nearby. #Video in story

Paul K. McGee charged in strangulation of wife during sudden assault

52-year-old Paul McGee reportedly came into his bedroom and pushed his wife, Sara McGee, onto the bed by her neck with one hand, then sat on top of her and began strangling her before letting go and walking out of the bedroom, leaving her with a sore throat and difficulty breathing. When police arrived and attempted to place him under arrest, he refused to stand up from his chair, and they have to remove him from his chair by force.

Bishop Ware charged with criminal trespass and resisting arrest after being uncooperative with medics

Metro Nashville Police responded to a call to assist Nashville Fire medics with a patient Thursday and located 22-year-old Bishop Ware, who NFD says was being generally uncooperative. He was pacing around the parking lot and refused to speak to officers. While attempting to determine what they could do to assist, the property manager of the location notified police that Ware had been asked to leave multiple times and he continued to refuse to leave. With no apparent medical necessity, and refusal to leave the property when asked, he was transported to booking and charged with criminal trespass and resisting arrest as he attempted to pull away from officers when being cuffed.

Tashina Gray charged with harassment of ex-lover — still calling, texting, & threatening a year later

Darrell Jones says his ex-girlfriend, 28-year-old Tashina Gray, won’t leave him alone. Gray was jailed this week on an outstanding warrant charging her with harassment. Jones says despite their relationship ending an entire year ago she has continued to call and text his phone repeatedly. On the date he finally contacted police, there were over 100 calls and messages received just that day. Some of the messages made threats toward his life, some of them stated she was going to have to “put someone six feet under”. It was also found she had put him and his license plate on social media, stating he was a rapist.

Charity Patton pours gas on herself and cars, ignites one of the cars on fire with person inside

Charlie Tally says he was sitting in a vehicle on Phillips Street talking to some friends when 33-year-old Charity Patton suddenly poured gasoline on and around the vehicle he was in, lighting it on fire. The rear of the vehicle went up in flames. Officers located her in a nearby parked vehicle, where she was attempting to hide in the back seat. She was also covered in gasoline, as was the vehicle she was covered in. At the time of her arrest, she had an outstanding warrant from the night before, when she reportedly slashed her sister’s tires after she refused to give her money.