Julia Krogh pulls gun on her boyfriend & assaults him when she discovers he’s cheating on her

Brian Reed told Metro Nashville Police that his girlfriend, 20-year-old Julia Krogh, sent him a text message to come home and move out when she found out he was cheating on her. He arrived at the Antioch residence and found her armed with his gun. An altercation ensued, the two wrestled, and he eventually took control of the gun, but not before she punched him in the face and shattered the screen of his phone. During questioning, Krogh told police she “got violent” and admitted to punching him and throwing his phone because she knew he was recording.

Mitchell Webb charged with DUI after crashing into traffic cones when leaving Broadway

Just after 2 a.m. Wednesday, Metro Nashville Police officers responded to Rosa L. Parks Blvd & Church St where a vehicle driven by 27-year-old Mitchell Webb was reportedly crashing into traffic cones. Officers arrived to find Webb out of his vehicle and with the construction crew. He stated he was coming from Broadway. He performed poorly on field sobriety tests that he completed, as they were stopped due to his level of intoxication. He only admitted to drinking “coke”, and would not answer any questions about his alcohol intake, and refused all other tests. He was transported to booking and charged with DUI.

Seth Pedigo carves an ‘X’ into slimy Realtor Stephen Delahoussaye’s Tesla to ‘mark his spot’ – we’re not even mad at him

33-year-old Seth Pedigo is charged with felony vandalism after police say he used a rock to clearly etch an “X” into the door of a 2021 white Tesla Model 3. The car is owned by one of Nashville’s worst realtors, Stephen Delahoussaye of House Haven Realty. He says he confronted the man and asked him why he vandalized his car, and Pedigo reportedly replied, “I was trying to mark where I was”… as in ‘x’ marks the spot. Delahoussaye provided a video of the crime to police, and Pedigo was taken into custody as he was still on the property.

Donald Chris Hudson charged in brawl at JW Marriott in downtown Nashville

38-year-old Donald Chris Hudson was one of three men fighting with security and valet staff at the JW Marriott Hotel in downtown Nashville this weekend. Officers working the Entertainment District Initiative responded to the scene and viewed a video that showed the initial fight began with Hudson being approached by a person that was no longer present, and during the subsequent argument, Hudson quickly stood up and pushed the other man, causing a fight to break out. Due to this and his level of intoxication, Hudson was taken into custody and transported to booking.

Marine rips off shirt & threatens others in downtown Nashville — Jacob Thibodeau

Metro Nashville Police working the Entertainment District Initiative in downtown Nashville Saturday responded to a fight call at the JW Marriott on 8th Ave S. and found 33-year-old Jacob Thibodeau, who they described as “very belligerent and verbally aggressive” to officers and staff. Thibodeau ripped off his shirt and yelled, “I am a Marine Corps Veteran!…” followed by “he needs his f***** a** kicked!…” in response to a citizen whose vehicle was damaged in a separate incident at the same location. The staff also showed police a video of Thibodeau starting a fight with another individual prior to their arrival. He was warned to stop yelling, screaming, and making threats but was not hearing any of the suggestions and remained disorderly. Officers eventually arrested him and transported him to booking.

Wilson Buse too drunk for the Gulch in Nashville

Metro Nashville Police responded to a disorderly person call in the Gulch on Sunday and arrived to observe 29-year-old William Buse taking a fighting stance toward security on the sidewalk near 411 11th Ave. Officers say Buse reeked of alcohol and was extremely intoxicated, and very much unable to care for himself. He was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

Savannah Reynolds charged with DUI in Nashville after crashing into utility pole

Metro Nashville Police say 24-year-old tattoo artist Savannah Reynolds ran her vehicle into a utility pole on the sidewalk of 4th Ave. S. in the early hours of Sunday morning. When asked what happened, she had several versions of events, such as she was in an argument with her boyfriend, another version where she had just left a bar, and another where she was visiting a friend’s house. Officers say she performed poorly on field sobriety tests and eventually blew a 0.216% BAC on a breathalyzer.

Nick Carver Charged with strangulation of girlfriend in Antioch home

Catrina Lungcharoen says she came home from work Sunday, and after an argument with her boyfriend, 27-year-old Nicolas Carver, became physical, he demanded that she pack her things and leave, though he refused to let her take her things from inside the home. She says while she was inside the entrance of the home, Carver grabbed her neck with both of his hands and pulled her out of the doorway.

Alejandro Vasquez charged after drunkenly interfering with police & medics at Kid Rock’s Bar

Metro Nashville Police and Fire responded to an incident at Kid Rock’s Bar late Friday night where they were assisting a patron turned patient. The patient’s friend, 23-year-old Alejandro Vasquez, began interfering with medics while also being extremely intoxicated from alcohol. After multiple requests for him to give them space and step away, he was eventually so combative that officers decided to detain him. As they attempted to place Vasquez in handcuffs, he tensed up and pulled away from the officers, and they eventually took him to the ground in order to gain compliance. He refused to be placed into a patrol car, and it took multiple officers multiple attempts to get him transported to booking, where he continued to be combative with officers.