Sultan Al Shareef booted out of Jason Aldean’s, busts out of DCSO booking

Metro Nashville Police Officers working the Entertainment District Initiative in downtown Nashville observed 21-year-old Sultan Nassir Al Shareef extremely intoxicated and disorderly in front of Jason Aldean’s Bar in the early hours of Sunday morning. Al Shareef was fighting with security and had his legs wrapped around the security ropes. He pushed and shoved and refused to be cuffed by officers who were attempting to detain him. Eventually, he was placed in the back of a patrol vehicle but was too intoxicated to provide any information about himself. A friend who was nearby provided Shareef’s name and phone number. As he was being brought inside to booking, Al Shareef attempted to run out and jumped over multiple DCSO guards to get out of the Sally port. He was eventually overpowered and processed.

Brighthouse resident Erica Brunner charged in assault of treatment center staff

34-year-old Erica Brunner, a resident of the Brightquest Residential Treatment Facility in Nashville, was being driven to a doctor’s appointment by a staff member when a “miscommunication” occurred, and Brunner refused to get out of the van when they arrived at the location. They returned back to the Brightquest residential facility, where Brunner reportedly attacked a staff member, Hannah Rose, by grabbing her hair, throwing her to the ground, and assaulting her. Rose says Brunner then picked up two coffee mugs and threw them at her and another staff member.

Mariah Danielle Alderman charged with public intoxication after refusing police offers to take her home

Metro Police say they “attempted for several minutes to bring 26-year-old Mariah Danielle Alderman home or remand care of her to a responsible adult, but she was uncooperative with police.” Officers initially encountered her as they were in the area of Mother’s Ruin on 6th Ave North when they were flagged down by bar security, who stated she was unruly, extremely drunk and refusing to leave. She continued to be unruly and defiant with the police who were attempting to assist her, so she was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

Jhataun Jones charged with assault of girlfriend; grabs her & demands keys to her vehicle

24-year-old Jhataun Jones was jailed this week on an outstanding warrant from April, charging him with domestic assault. He was reportedly drunk, along with his girlfriend of four years, April Renner, when he asked her to give him a ride home. As she had also been drinking, she refused. He then asked her grandmother, Ruth Renner, for a ride, and she also refused. His girlfriend says he then forcibly grabbed her shoulders and demanded the keys to her vehicle, placing her in fear. He grabbed the keys and fled the scene. A warrant was signed, charging him with domestic assault.

Akeeyla Harris sacks officers in the groin after she’s trespassed from a Nashville Church

The Restoration Church at 4809 Gallatin Pike asked police to remove a sleeping woman, 43-year-old Akeeyla Harris, from their property and trespass her so she could not return. She became irate when officers told her she had to leave the church property she became irate. Akeelya Harris then swung a grocery bag containing food items and two water bottles into Officer Hollingworth, sacking him squarely in the groin. As he placed her into custody, he asked why she assaulted him, and she stated, “I did it on purpose!”

DUI: Christopher Reddick alseep behind the wheel on Broadway in downtown Nashville traffic

Officers working the Entertainment District Initiative in downtown Nashville were flagged down by bystanders who advised that 28-year-old Christopher Reddick was asleep or passed out behind the wheel of his vehicle on Broadway amid many other cars and pedestrians. He was coming to as officers approached his vehicle, but he provided severely delayed responses to questions and was obviously intoxicated. He stated: “I’ve been drinking enough today,” and refused all field sobriety and chemical/breath tests.

Nashville Musician Rick Patoray charged with DUI after night of drinking at The Cobra in East Nashville

39-year-old Rick Patoray told police he drank five beers at Cobra, along with taking prescribed medication, before being pulled over for a traffic stop when he made an extremely wide right turn and went into the center lane, and then took nearly a half-mile to stop with blue lights activated behind him the entire time. Officers say he smelled of alcohol and was too inebriated even to attempt field sobriety tests. When asked to submit to a chemical or breath test, he would only state that he wanted a lawyer. Officers obtained a warrant for his blood which was drawn at Metro General Hospital prior to booking.

Tourist Greg Perrotto chooses jail over leaving Honky Tonk Central in downtown Nashville

34-year-old Gregory Perrotto was asked to leave Honky Tonk Central in downtown Nashville due to his extreme level of intoxication and being disorderly with bar staff and patrons. He refused to comply with directives from the venue’s security staff, and Metro Nashville Police Officers arrived at the location and noted his level of intoxication was “quite high” in court documents. He was given one last chance to leave on his own, but refused, and was taken into custody for public intoxication and transported to booking.

Tourist Richard Long kicked out of Gaylord Opryland Hotel after armed drunken disturbance

46-year-old tourist Richard Long, from Tempe, AZ, was asked to leave his hotel, the Gaylord Opryland Resort, after threatening staff and causing a disturbance. Metro Nashville Police arrived and observed that Long was extremely intoxicated, and security reported they had told the guest he would have to leave the property due to him making direct threats to staff, which Long said he wouldn’t do since he was a paying guest. Officers explained the trespassing law to him, yet he continued to cause a disturbance at the resort hotel. He was eventually taken into custody and charged with criminal trespass, public intoxication, disorderly conduct, and possession of a handgun while under the influence, as a Glock was located on his right hip and located during a search incident to arrest.