Brandon Holliday charged after posting a sex tape of his wife and a friend together

Latoyia Anderson is still married to 39-year-old Brandon Holliday, but she says that’s only because he refuses to sign the divorce paperwork. Latoyia reported to police that the two were in an argument when Brandon threatened to post a sex tape of her and another friend together on social media. Brandon was sent the video by the other friend in an attempt to make him jealous. Shortly after the argument, the video of her having sex with the friend appeared on social media and was also sent via private message to multiple people on Facebook.

Ari Shukri jailed after sending ex-wife harassing text messages

Nazdar Taher says her ex-husband, 23-year-old Ari Shukri, continues to harass her via text messages despite bond conditions from an order of protection violation which state he isn’t to have any contact with her. On June 24th he sent over ten consecutive messages each of which called her derogatory names such as “h*e” and “sl-t” causing her to be in fear and in emotional distress.

Kevon Shinault jailed on $80K bond after pulling handgun & making threats

21-year-old Kevon Shinault was reportedly in an argument with his girlfriend, Savanah Luffman, about the house being dirty. She says Kevon grabbed her by the hair and attempted to throw her down the stairs, threw her on the bed, and pulled at her clothes. When she yelled downstairs for her mother, April Goodrich, to call the police, Kevon reportedly pulled a handgun from his waistband, racked the slide, and asked if she wanted to die today, further stating if the cops came that everyone would. This placed both women in fear for their lives.

Marcus Torres charged in assault of wife after accusing her of cheating

Lidia Lopez Alonzo says she and her husband, 27-year-old Marcus Torres, were arguing after he accused her of cheating. As the argument escalated, she says he got on top of her while she was on the bed and began to strangle her with both hands, and then punched her in the head as she attempted to fight back. She was eventually able to escape from his assault and contact police. Torres claims his wife attacked him.

Dr. Andrew Gong free on $1K bond after skipping court & ignoring assault indictment

45-year-old Dr. Andrew Aaron Gong was jailed this week after not showing up for an October court date and a bench warrant being issued for his arrest. The doctor’s troubles started in November of 2020 when he was using a delivery service for groceries. When the gig worker, Timothy Hines appeared at his door without wearing a mask or gloves, Dr. Andrew Gong reportedly became upset and a verbal argument quickly escalated when Hines says Gong punched him in the face, causing a laceration to his lower lip which was documented by police. Gong fought the misdemeanor citation and the case was bound over to the Grand Jury who indicted him on the assault charge in September of 2021. When he failed to appear for arraignment in October a warrant was issued for his arrest.

Kevonte Nabors, 18, charged with theft of Fiona Culley Langham’s SUV; evading arrest

When Metro Nashville Police were notified that Fiona Culley Langham’s 2020 Hyundai Palisade worth $40,000 had been stolen and was being actively tracked minute-by-minute they responded with the AirOne Helicopter and multiple officers and followed the vehicle to the area of Maudina Ave from both land and air. Officers approached the vehicle as it was coming to a stop and watched 18-year-old Kevonte Nabors flee from the driver’s seat and run into the backyard of a Bellmore Ave address. Nabors was taken into custody after a brief foot chase.

Disorderly passenger Sarah Silva refuses to exit plane, begins to strip off clothing in airport

An aircraft departing Nashville International Airport had to return to the gate after 34-year-old Sarah Silva had become disruptive on the plane prior to take-off. When she refused to exit the plane voluntarily, it was announced that all other passengers would have to deboard the plane instead. All other passengers then began yelling and screaming for Silva to get off the plane, and faced with hundreds of angry people she decided to exit willingly. Once in the concourse of the airport she untied her dress and began exposing herself to passengers and employees and pulling away from officers who were attempting to restrain her. An airport officer had to pull a taser to convince her to comply with commands.

Devin Lunsford attempts to fight the world after being kicked out of halfway house in Nashville

Metro Nashville Police initially encountered 24-year-old Devin Lunsford on June 26th when he was asked to leave his halfway house and became hostile with other roommates and they contacted police. He appeared to be intoxicated and was eventually transported to the hospital for treatment in lieu of arrest. Everyone went about their way, and later that day Lunsford discharged himself from the hospital and called his father and made concerning statements about his own well-being. Nashville Fire medical and police then encountered him once again and attempted to convince him to return to the hospital, however, he refused all assistance.

Lunsford then made threats to “fight everyone” while kicking a stranger’s vehicle and cycled from appearing sleepy and nodding out to disruptive and combative. He then retreated to his own vehicle, and refused to exit — laughing at officers and asking “are we about to fight right now?” He was ultimately removed from the vehicle by force and cuffed while telling officers “I’ll f-*k you up if you don’t take these cuffs off!” while kicking, spitting, and yelling in the back of the police cruiser.

Andrew Chilton free on $100 cash bond for domestic assault on uncle over stolen speaker

Frank Chilton called Metro Nashville Police after he says his nephew, 21-year-old Andrew Chilton, used a metal walking crutch to assault him. Frank admits to taking a bluetooth speaker from Andrew’s room while he was listening to it, and Andrew went to Frank’s room to ask for it back. Frank says he armed himself with a Whiskey bottle and a “large knife” because Andrew’s “a big kid and I felt in fear.” Andrew says once he observed Frank with the large knife he retreated to his room and armed himself with the metal walking crutch before returning to Frank’s room to retrieve his speaker. He admits to hitting Frank in the leg several times while reclaiming his property.

Reginae Rogers breaks out glass door & smashes phone when she’s unable to use mother’s phone charger

Metro Nashville Police responded to a domestic disturbance call in Antioch in which 21-year-old Reginae Rogers complained that her mother, Natasha Bryant, would not let her use her phone charger. Reginae reportedly got upset and slammed her phone on the ground, and during the argument used her hand to break a sliding glass door in anger, which also placed her mother in fear of being assaulted. Her mother reported Reginae had been awake for three days and believed her to be on some sort of drug.