DUI: Yesenia Juarez has “two glasses of wine and a beer” before driving

29-year-old Yesenia Juarez was changing her tire in the early hours of Sunday morning when officers confronted her because she was in a traffic lane. She told officers that her tire was flat, so she was changing it, but the frame of her car was pressing into her vehicle, so it wasn’t an issue that changing a tire could fix. Officers then asked Juarez if she had anything to drink, and she told them that she had several drinks. While conversing with the officers, Juarez slurred her words, prompting them to conduct a Field Sobriety Test, which she performed poorly on. Officers attempted to read implied consent to Juarez, but she refused to listen. While in the patrol car, Juarez admitted to having “two glasses of wine and a beer.” Juarez was taken into custody and charged with DUI and implied consent.