Self-Proclaimed Juggalo Corey Leek hits man in head with dumbbell multiple times

30-year-old Self-Proclaimed Juggalo Corey Leek assaulted Fredrick Mason at a group home for the mentally impaired on Shorewind Bay on August 12th. When officers arrived, Mason said he was arguing with one of the caretakers. Mason stated that Leek heard this, came inside his bedroom, and began punching him in the head. Mason informed officers that following the incident, both Leek and the caretaker exited his room. After calling the police, Mason also left his room. Then, two other caretakers met with him outside his door and started another argument. During this argument, Leek came out of his room and assaulted Mason again. The caretakers made their way downstairs, so Mason followed them. As Mason followed them downstairs, Leek came from behind and hit him in the back of the head with a dumbbell three times. Mason explained to the officers that he was knocked unconscious by the impact of the dumbbell. After regaining consciousness, Mason managed to return to his room. Upon returning to his room, Mason promptly redialed 911, this time choosing to stay put in his room until they arrived.

Officers then spoke with Leek, who stated that he believed that Mason was being disrespectful to a female caretaker and was going to assault her. Leek explained to the officers that this is why he assaulted Mason. Leek admitted to punching Mason in the face and head multiple times. Leek initially told officers that he never hit Mason in the head with a dumbbell and denied having one. However, when Mason informed officers that he had a dumbbell in his room, Leek changed his statement. Leek said he only uses the dumbbell for exercising. Officers located the dumbbell behind Leek’s laundry hamper. Officers then questioned the caretakers about the assault with the dumbbell. The caretakers stated that the dumbbell was in Mason’s room and that they never saw any of the alleged assaults. Officers observed a large knot on the back of Mason’s head. Due to Leek lying about the dumbbell and his admission to the assaults, officers determined Leek was the primary aggressor. Leek was taken into custody and charged with aggravated assault on August 13th. Leek was history of domestic assault including a previous incident in February 2023, where he assaulted his roommate for insulting his favorite band, Insane Clown Posse.

Kevin Luna points gun at woman while stealing a wheel off her Infinity Q50

18-year-old Kevin Luna was one of several people attempting to take one of the wheels off Breanna Contreras’s Infinity Q50 at her Bridgeway Circle unit on May 6th. Contreras’s boyfriend, Jesus Chavez, observed them and two vehicles, one a red sedan and one a black Infinity Q50. Chavez woke Contrera, and she went outside to start filming the occurrence. Chavez called the police while she recorded them, during which Luna noticed her and began pointing his handgun at her. She stated she heard him saying something to her but was afraid to get any closer due to him having a gun. She added that she had not returned inside until Luna started pointing a laser at her. After several minutes, the red sedan drove away while Luna removed Contreras’s wheel before aiming his handgun at her, firing multiple times, and driving away in his black Infinity. Police got the tag from his vehicle as he left the scene. Officers responded to the registered Murfreesboro Pike address, where they heard him approaching due to the flat tire, and conducted a traffic stop as he pulled in. When officers searched his vehicle, they discovered her wheel in the trunk with a box for a 9mm Glock pistol consistent with the 4 9mm casing recovered at the scene. Luna was then taken into custody for aggravated robbery.