DUI: Alyssa Coley found passed out in drivers seat

27-year-old Alyssa Coley was found passed out in her driver’s seat by NFD on November 12. Officers attempted to break the passenger side of the window because Coley was unresponsive to officers’ attempts to wake her. When awake, Coley told officers that she was driving home from a party and began feeling tired, so she pulled over to nap. She also started to say to officers that she only had one and a half drinks but later told them that she had mixed three drinks before driving home. Coley was observed to be heavily intoxicated, so officers took her to the hospital for a field sobriety test and a blood sample. Coley was taken into custody and charged with DUI.

Duaij Alkhalia pushes officers, resists arrest at Jason Aldean’s Rooftop Bar

23-year-old Duaij Kalifa Alkhalifa was involved in an altercation at Jason Aldean’s Bar on November 12. Alkhalifa tried pushing through officers to get to the other individual involved in the incident and refused to back away when they ordered him to. Officers told him multiple times to stay back, but he refused, so they placed him under arrest, to which he began to resist. Alkhalifa was taken into custody for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.

Craig Miller stands in middle of Broadway, shows everyone his “Male Parts”

25-year-old Craig Miller was disorderly at Shake Shack on the night of November 10. Miller was in a fighting stance when officers arrived, so they put him in handcuffs before talking to the other citizen involved, who wished to remain anonymous, who advised them that Miller approached him and tried to take the Nikes he just purchased. A security guard from Legend’s Corner approached officers when they were talking to Miller and were advised that earlier, he was showing his male parts to everyone in the middle of the road, even with children present. Miller was taken into custody for disorderly conduct and indecent exposure.

Brandon Hawkins threatens safety of American Idol contestants

38-year-old Brandon Hawkins was at the Graduate Hotel on November 12 when security had to detain him due to his continuous attempts at entering the VIP area after being told to leave numerous times. The manager of Graduate Hotel was a witness to this and told Hawkins that he had to go. American Idol contestants stayed in the VIP section, so Hawkins was placed in handcuff for everyone’s safety. Hawkins was taken into custody and charged with trespassing.

DUI: Ethan Bishop covered in vomit, causes accident on one-way street

24-year-old Ethan David Bishop was involved in a car accident on Ensley Boulevard on November 13th. Bishop told officers he did not notice that he was going down a one-way street after leaving Broadway. Officers observed him to be visibly intoxicated and covered in vomit. Bishop consented to sobriety tests, performed poorly, and apologized for the accident, stating that he just wanted to get his brother home. Bishop was taken into custody for driving under the influence.

Nathanial Jacob tackles, strangles boyfriend during argument

27-year-old Nathanial Jacob was jailed early Monday morning when officers responded to Old Matthews Road after he assaulted his boyfriend. Sergio Donis told officers that Nathanial started arguing with him for no reason. He said he was trying to leave when Nathanial tackled him to the floor in the hallway, and they began fighting. Sergio stated that Nathanial was on top of him and strangled him for about 40 seconds to the point where he had difficulty breathing and speaking. Officers observed a scratch on Sergio’s face, and a witness told officers they saw Nathanial on top of Sergio with his hand around his neck.

Kevin Alexander kicked out of Miranda Lambert’s Casa Rosa, upset he isn’t allowed back in

22-year-old Kevin Alexander was jailed on November 12th after officers were flagged down by security at Miranda Lambert’s Casa Rosa on Broadway. When the officers arrived, they observed Kevin kicking the bar sign and being aggressive toward security. He then became aggressive with the officers and was detained. Security advised that Kevin was kicked out of the bar earlier in the day and became aggressive when he couldn’t re-enter.

Justin Fowler gets drunk and steals woman’s purse

35-year-old Justin Matthew Fowler was drunk and disorderly at Ole Red on the night of November 12th. Security flagged down officers and advised them that Fowler had taken a woman’s purse. Fowler spoke with officers about the incident and was visibly intoxicated and could not maintain his train of thought as they questioned him. He was taken into custody for public intoxication.