Bryam Niebles Molina pulls wife’s hair during argument

29-year-old Bryam Niebles Molina was jailed on December 8th after assaulting his wife during a verbal dispute. Carmen Emilce explained that she and her husband work together and had gotten into an argument, but once they got home, he began to throw her belongings outside. At that point, Carmen called the police, which upset Bryam even more, and he flung her purse into the TV, breaking the screen. When she walked outside to collect her thrown belongings, her husband grabbed her by her hair to pull her back inside. Officers observed the items on the ground and spoke with Bryam, who stated that he was upset and threw Carmen’s belongings outside. He later admitted to pulling her back inside by her hair because he was angry.

Lopez Jalecic gets drunk in Walmart, tries stealing officer’s gun

34-year-old Lopez Jalecic was shoplifting at the Wal-Mart on Nolensville Pike on December 7th. Officers were dispatched regarding a suspect who attempted to get the security officer’s gun. They arrived and spoke with Walmart’s loss prevention staff, who advised them that they witnessed Jalecic open bottles of alcoholic beverages and consumed them on the property. They stated that when they tried to detain Jalecic, he became violent and kept reaching for his waistband. When they were able to arrest him, they uncovered a firearm in his waist area, and he kept threatening them until the officers arrived. Officers reviewed the surveillance and observed Jalecic grabbing and consuming bottles of beer. Jalecic was visibly intoxicated as he admitted to drinking the beers and stated numerous times that the loss prevention staff treated him like “he stole something worth a lot more than what he did.” The loss prevention staff wished to prosecute, and Jalecic was taken into custody for theft, possessing a weapon while under the influence, and public intoxication.

Kimberly Fields too drunk and disorderly for Top Golf

45-year-old Kimberly Fields was annoying patrons at the Top Golf on Cowen Street on December 7th. A witness advised officers that before they arrived, Fields was sitting on the “ball coffin,” that machine that distributes golf balls to players, initially refusing to get off it when staff members asked her to. Fields eventually got off the machine and headed to the bar area. There, she ordered a meal with an alcoholic beverage but complained loudly about the service. The food servers promptly cut her off from further orders of alcoholic beverages. However, Fields brought her own and consumed it. Fields then pushed Todd McCann, another witness, while yelling and recording the incident. Top Golf staff members asked her to leave repeatedly, and she refused. Officers arrived and spoke with the staff members and Fields. They asked Fields to leave, but she did not comply, so they detained her. Officers observed her to be visibly intoxicated, and Top Golf staff did not wish to prosecute. Fields was taken into custody for disorderly conduct, public intoxication, and criminal trespassing.

59-year-old Professor Linda Knieps exposes herself to 11-year old child

Professor Linda Knieps was jailed Thursday after police say she exposed her 59-year-old breasts to a man and his 11-year-old son. Bansal Deepak initially made the report to police in September and provided video of Knieps lifting her shirt and exposing herself to himself and his son while flipping off the camera as he recorded the incident. Police say this happened on at least two occasions. A warrant was issued for her arrest, charging her with indecent exposure, and she was served the warrant this week.

Georgette Gates prevents ex-boyfriend from retrieving his drum set

52-year-old Georgette Gates was involved in a domestic disturbance with her ex-boyfriend, Thomas Earl Gilleylen, at Bell Trace Dr. on November 8. Gilleylen spoke with officers as they arrived and advised them that he was moving out and trying to retrieve some of his belongings, especially his drums, which he provided a receipt for. Gates told officers that Gilleylen did not have a drum set in the garage and refused to let them check the garage to confirm. Gilleylen provided text messages from Gates stating, “I got your base guitar too all of it is as good as gone that’s what you get for thinking you was going to fuck over me.” Gates provided camera footage showing Gilleylen grabbing some bags but none that a drum set could fit inside of. Officers determined that Gates was depriving Gilleylen of his drum set, so they placed her into custody for theft of property.

Bidemi Ajobiewe threatens Simmons Bank, says he’s “coming to the bank with a rifle”

45-year-old Bidemi Ajobiewe was found giving a fake alias to employees Zachary Seibold and Tyrone Johnson of Simmons Bank on February 6th 2023. He placed a large amount of money in the account at separate times, including deposits of $102,000 and $128,000 placed under the name “Markus Logan,” which were quickly frozen for fraud. After Ajobiewe found out his accounts were frozen, he contacted customer service and told them to tell employees Zach and Tyrone that he was going to “blow the bank up” and that he was “Coming to the bank with a rifle, and I’m going to kill all the staff at the branch.” He said that they were “going to feel all the pain that I’m feeling.” This threat led to the bank closing business for the day. Later, the same day, Ajobiewe sent Zach a direct message telling him, “I want you to know I’m coming to the bank with a rifle. It’s either you get killed, or I get killed today.” But before Ajobiewe could take action, the Simmons Bank fraud investigation unit determined Ajobiewe’s real identity, which led to Seibold and Johnson identifying Ajobiewe. Ajobiewe was taken into custody and charged with assault and false report.

Duvere Bishop punches ex-girlfriend in face, steals her phone during dispute over infidelity

32-year-old Duvere Bishop appeared at a beauty shop where his ex-girlfriend worked and assaulted her on August 24th 2022. This started over Bishop’s girlfriend finding him to have been unfaithful in their relationship, which led to Bishop striking his girlfriend in the face, causing bruising on her eye and cutting her nose. Officers later arrived at the scene in which Bishop was no longer present, but his girlfriend was able to tell her account of the story. His girlfriend also discussed with officers that she set up her phone before Bishop’s arrival, and when he came, he took her phone and fled. Bishop was taken into custody and charged with domestic violence and theft.

Shawn Lockhart ignores federal marshals, charged with criminal trespassing

44-year-old Shawn Lockhart was at the federal courthouse on November 8th, where federal marshals detained him for being unruly. Lockhart arrived at the courthouse seeking authorities regarding a federal case but refused to cooperate with them regarding going through the security checkpoint. Lockhart then attempted to walk through the metal detector without being searched and was restrained by marshals and put into handcuffs. When officers arrived, Lockhart also refused to cooperate with them. Lockhart was taken into custody and charged with disorderly conduct and criminal trespassing.