Jose Garcia-Franco charged with statutory rape of minor

22-year-old Jose Antonio Garcia-Franco went to the apartments on Millwood Drive, where his minor ex-girlfriend resides, to make amends with her and her family on December 4th. Officers arrived and spoke with the minor victim, who stated she had been dating Garcia-Franco for about a year. She advised she is 17 years old and that they have been sexually active for the entirety of their relationship.

Garcia-Franco was transported and interviewed at Metro Nashville Police Department headquarters. He stated he lived with the victim and her family at their apartment. He advised that he knows that the victim is 17 years old and asked for her parent’s permission to date her, which they granted. Garcia-Franco and the victim had sexual intercourse approximately 30 times throughout their relationship. He said that he returned to the residence to make amends with the parents to continue their relationship, but they instead called the police.

The victim’s mother advised that Garcia-Franco lived with her family for about a year and that he and her daughter began dating and having sexual intercourse. She stated the relationship ended about two months ago, and Garcia-Franco came by to make amends, but she called the police. Garcia-Franco was transported for a mandatory HIV blood draw and was taken into custody for statutory rape.

DUI: Liset Quesada Mendoza speeds down Charlotte Pike in BMW

32-year-old Liset Quesada Mendoza was speeding on Charlotte Pike in the early hours of December 2nd. Officers observed this and conducted a traffic stop. The BMW stopped in the roadway, and passenger princess Robert Koch stepped out of the car and approached officers aggressively, so he was detained. Then, officers spoke with Mendoza, who was visibly intoxicated and admitted to speeding and consuming alcohol. Mendoza refused to do sobriety tests, sign implied consent, or provide any information regarding her identity. Officers located her passport in her purse and were able to identify her. Mendoza was taken into custody for driving under the influence, implied consent, and not having a driver’s license.

Mikia Flemister drinks all day, punches girlfriend multiple time in face

39-year-old Mikia Flemister was involved in a domestic disturbance with her girlfriend, Tiffany Meeks, at their shared residence on Lischey Pl. in the early hours of December 3rd. Meeks spoke with officers and advised Flemister had been drinking all day, causing problems in their residence. They started arguing when Flemister got in Meeks’ face. Meeks stated, “Don’t put your hands on me.” Then, Flemister punched her in the face, grabbed her by the hair, and continued to hit her until Meeks’ brother came to intervene. Officers spoke with Meek’s son and brother, who confirmed her statements. Flemister was detained and, while in the patrol car, began to hit her head on the glass divider between the front and back of the patrol car, causing injuries to her forehead. Flemister was taken into custody for domestic assault.

Brandon Cook punches his mother in the face repeatedly

23-year-old Brandon Ne’Shaun Cook was involved in a domestic disturbance with his mother, Brandie Cook, at their residence in the late hours of December 4th. Brandie stated that her son became aggressive after she told him that she disapproved of his drug use, causing him to start throwing items in the house. She advised that he started threatening to harm her and eventually punched her in the face multiple times, so she used pepper spray to prevent any further attack. Brandon told officers that he was upset with his mom for trying to discipline him, so he punched her numerous times in the face, even though he knew he should not have. They both refused to be treated by the Nashville Fire Department. Brandon Cook was taken into custody for domestic assault.

DUI: Abbey Anderson drives on wrong side of road after having two drinks

31-year-old Abbey Anderson was involved in a car accident with Juan Mejia on Briley Parkway on December 3rd. Officers arrived and noticed Anderson’s vehicle facing eastbound and Mejia’s car, with front-end damage, facing westbound. Anderson was very confused when speaking with officers, and they observed her to be visibly intoxicated. She consented to sobriety tests, performed poorly, and admitted to having two alcoholic beverages at dinner two hours before driving. Anderson was taken into custody for driving under the influence and reckless driving.

Christopher Graham threatened a man with a knife at church

25-year-old Christopher Graham got into a scuffle with Loren Valentin at the Nashville Ethiopian Evangelical Church on Lebanon Pike on December 4th. Valentin advised officers that the incident began regarding his missing cell phone. He stated that Graham dumped his bag to show him that there was no cell phone. A large and small knife fell out of the bag, and someone else tried to grab the large knife before Graham was able to, but when he grabbed it, he began to yell at and threaten Valentin before stabbing the knife into a table and leaving. Valentin and witnesses told officers that Graham returned and became agitated, waving around his smaller knife before exiting the location again, putting him in fear. Graham was in possession of the small knife when the officers arrived and was taken into custody for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

Dontez Simpson strangles on-and-off girlfriend for looking through apple watch

34-year-old Dontez Darnell Simpson had a dispute with his on-and-off girlfriend, Johneisha Renea Kizer, at a parking garage on Broadway late November 23rd. Kizer spoke with officers and advised them that she looked through Simpson’s Apple watch. In response to this, he became aggressive, hitting her in the head. Kizer stated that Simpson then grabbed her by the throat and began to strangle her, but she did not lose consciousness. She stated she was forced to hit him to escape, causing a wound to her hand. Simpson was not present for questioning but was taken into custody for aggravated assault on December 4

Jermia Price jailed after stealing from Kroger

28-year-old Jermia Leshay Price tried to steal multiple items from Kroger on McGavock Pike on May 18th. Price was trying to exit with the items, and Joni Corinne attempted to stop her, so she punched her twice in the face before hurrying to her vehicle and fleeing the scene. Rickey Sanders witnessed the incident. Price was taken into custody for driving on a revoked license and assault on December 4th.

Braxton Smith booked after telling police he was about to snort meth

26-year-old Braxton Alexander Smith was sitting on the couch in his house at E Woodlands Taill when officers responded to a domestic incident he was not involved in on September 2nd. Officers observed Smith holding a glass plate with a line of crystal meth and a straw on it. Smith advised them that he was about to snort the methamphetamine before being searched for more narcotics and cited for simple possession. Smith failed to appear in court and was booked on a summons regarding the simple possession on November 26th.