Tourist Alex Lopez assaults bouncer at Miranda Lambert’s Casa Rosa in downtown Nashville

25-year-old tourist Alex Lopez was being removed from Miranda Lambert’s Casa Rosa in downtown Nashville in the early hours of Saturday morning. While being escorted from an upper floor of the venue, Lopez reportedly became aggressive with security. Once outside, he began to throw hands, striking bouncer Candice Holloway in the face. The incident was captured on video, and Lopez was taken into custody, charged with assault.

Tourist Joshua Turner jailed after disturbance at downtown Nashville bar

21-year-old Missouri tourist Joshua Turner was kicked out of Luke’s 32 Bar in downtown Nashville early Friday night due to his disruptive behavior, according to security staff. After being removed from the property, Turner continued to return, stating that bouncers kept his ID. As the situation escalated, officers intervened and verified the bar did not have his identification. Police advised his friend group he was trespassed from the bar, and his ID wasn’t inside. A short time later, Turner returned, once again, to the bar, demanding the return of his ID. Due to his level of intoxication and behavior, Turner was taken into custody and transported to booking.

Vandy Basketball Forward Lee Dort jailed & suspended from team for domestic assault

21-year-old Vanderbilt Men’s Basketball Forward Lee Dort reportedly assaulted and strangled his ex-girlfriend, Amani Foster, on the Vanderbilt Campus in the early hours of Sunday morning. Vanderbilt Police responded to a report of screams at 1:14 a.m. coming from a dorm room at McTyeire Hall. Foster told officers that 6’9″ Dort took her cell phone and shoved her against a wall and bedpost in her dorm room. He accused her of lying to him about her location during Thanksgiving and searched her texts and call logs on her phone. He says he discovered she was with someone else on Thanksgiving night. He then reportedly gripped her neck after she slid down onto the bed. Officers documented red marks and scratches on the victim. Dort initially fled the scene but was located at Memorial Gymnasium, where he was questioned about the incident. Vanderbilt Spokesperson Jacob Bell confirms Dort has been suspended from the basketball program pending the outcome of investigations by both the criminal justice system and the university.

DUI: Omar El-Assuli crashes after leaving Soho Lounge in Nashville

26-year-old Omar El-Assuli was involved in a single-vehicle accident on November 25th. Officers arrived and noticed that El-Assuli had a strong cologne odor while chewing some gum, causing them to believe he was using it to cover a scent. He advised officers that he had fallen asleep while driving and thought he hit a pole but was unaware of how the crash happened. Officers observed him to be visibly intoxicated as he told them he was coming from the Soho Lounge. El-Assuli told officers he had a handgun, so they secured it, and then he agreed to sobriety tests and performed poorly. El-Assuli was taken into custody for driving under the influence and possession of a handgun while under the influence.

DUI: Schuyler Ryan McCurdy crashes car after drinking at his job, a local bar

38-year-old Schuyler Ryan McCurdy was involved in a car accident on Dry Creek Rd. on November 26th. Officers arrived and observed that McCurdy was visibly intoxicated. They asked him how much he had to drink, and he replied, “I don’t know, too much.” He advised officers that he was drinking at his job at a local bar prior to driving and declined ride offers from his coworkers. McCurdy agreed to take sobriety tests, performed poorly, and was taken into custody for driving under the influence.

Elijah Trent assaults grandmother during argument

26-year-old Elijah Trent was jailed Saturday afternoon for assaulting his grandmother on Big Oak Drive. He told officers that he and his grandmother, Rosalyn Sampson, had been arguing when he got upset and threw a water bottle at her. Officers observed water in the home. They spoke with Ms. Rosalyn, who corroborated the story and added that, based on what had happened, she was afraid her grandson would try to hurt her.

Damon Suiter threatens wife through text numerous times, “I’ll be there in 65 minutes to kill everyone inside that building.”

25-year-old Damon C. Suiter was booked on November 18th for stalking his estranged wife, Cassie Suiter. In January, Cassie reached out to the police about her husband repeatedly texting and calling her with threats to take her life and others. Cassie explained that she blocked Damon’s phone number, but he continued to call from different numbers. Officers reviewed a text message from Damon stating, “Cassie, I swear to God I’ll attack you too if you think this is a joke. I’m almost to my pistol, then it’s you.” He also stated, “I’ll be there in 65 minutes to kill everyone inside that building.” The officers reviewed weeks of threatening text messages from Damon. When officers spoke to Damon over the phone, he told them that he was wearing body armor and had a gun. He advised that he would shoot the police officers in the back when he got to the Mike’s Ice Cream Shop. Officers recorded the phone call to document the statements, and Cassie recognized Damon’s voice to confirm that he was the one speaking. The statements that Damon made caused Metro officers to enact safety precautions at the ice cream shop caused Clarksville PD to respond to his home to gather information, and caused THP to keep a lookout for his vehicle as he stated he was driving from Clarksville to Nashville to commit the shooting.

Paige Hammonds charged for sexually assaulting 14-year-old girl

32-year-old Paige Hammonds was booked on an outstanding warrant from October 2010, when he raped a 14-year-old girl. The juvenile victim reported being at a party with her friend and losing track of her. She had asked two men who were at the party if they had seen her friend, to which they replied that they had and that she was in the upstairs bedroom. The juvenile walked upstairs to try to find her friend and was followed by two men, Ryan Roe and Jacobi Vaughn Moore. Once in the room, she discovered her friend wasn’t there, and Hammonds joined the men in the bedroom. During this time, the juvenile was held down and forcibly raped by all three men. After the incident, a rape kit was collected at Nashville General Hospital and submitted to the TBI’s crime lab. The lab report indicated the presence of male DNA, but the victim was fearful and unsure if she wanted to prosecute at that time.

On April 25th, 2022, the now adult victim contacted the Youth Services Division and spoke about her case. After proceeding with prosecution, a request was submitted to the TBI crime lab to have the unknown DNA recovered and cross-referenced with the national CODIS database. The results returned a match for Ryan Roe and Paige Hammonds, who were incarcerated at the time for unrelated crimes.

Warner Earl Jones hotboxes car, caught with narcotics

25-year-old Warner Earl Jones was jailed on November 17th when officers spotted him coming out of a store and entering his car with tinted windows on John A Merit Boulevard. Officers watched him until he entered his vehicle and noticed all four tinted windows were too dark to see through. When they began to follow behind him, he sped off and made a U-turn, driving recklessly while other vehicles were on the road. Officers lost the car on the I-65 ramp. About 20 minutes later, officers spotted Jones and his vehicle on Jefferson Street as he entered a different store. Officers entered the parking lot and pulled right in front of the car, nose to nose. As he was exiting the convenience store, officers walked towards him. By the time officers caught up to him, he had already made it back inside his car. Officers commanded him to leave his vehicle, which he refused. They had to command him several times to step out. Once he did, a large amount of smoke exited the car with him. Officers asked if he had any drugs on him. First, he denied it and then admitted to having drugs in his car. Officers found a large amount of twenty dollar bills along with a bag of marijuana, a digital scale, plastic bags, 26.0 grams of cocaine laced with fentanyl, and 24.5 grams of methamphetamine. There was enough probable cause that the defendant was engaged in the sale of narcotics. Jones was charged and taken into custody.