DUI: James Judge drinks Voodoo Ranger IPA while driving

35-year-old James Judge was involved in a car accident on James Robertson Parkway on November 14th. Judge had wrecked into the back of a parked vehicle, and officers located an open Voodoo Ranger IPA in his car. Officers observed Judge to be visibly intoxicated as he admitted to drinking two beers and having one while driving. James consented to sobriety tests and performed poorly. He was taken into custody for driving under the influence.

Shatica Matthews caught stealing at Nordstrom

40-year-old Shatica Sharie Matthews was taken into custody on November 9th for a citation issued in October regarding a theft in Nordstrom, The Mall at Green Hills. Joey Rodriguez, Nordstrom security, observed Matthews concealing three perfume bottles as she left the store without paying. Rodriguez was able to catch up to her, and she admitted to stealing the perfume. The total cost of the items was $413.

Thomia Smith denies ownership of backpack containing 112 grams of marijuana

19-year-old Thomia Smith was jailed on November 9th after police pulled her friend over. Loud music and the odor of marijuana were emitting from the vehicle. One out of three occupants handed over a black bag containing 32 grams of marijuana. The vehicle was then searched, and officers located several bottles of liquor and a larger bag of marijuana containing 112 grams inside a backpack behind the driver’s seat. All three subjects in the vehicle denied ownership of the backpack.

Imani Sharp denies ownership of backpack containing 112 grams of marijuana

20-year-old Imani Sharp was jailed on November 9th after police pulled her friend over. Loud music and the odor of marijuana were emitting from the vehicle. One out of three occupants handed over a black bag containing 32 grams of marijuana. The vehicle was then searched, and officers located several bottles of liquor and a larger bag of marijuana containing 112 grams inside a backpack behind the driver’s seat. All three subjects in the vehicle denied ownership of the backpack.

Caleb Scott caught with 144 grams of marijuana, tells officers it isn’t his

20-year-old Caleb Scott was jailed on November 9th after police pulled him over. Loud music and the odor of marijuana were emitting from the vehicle, and he handed over a black bag containing 32 grams of marijuana. The vehicle was then searched, and officers located several bottles of liquor and a larger bag of marijuana containing 112 grams inside a backpack behind the driver’s seat. There were three occupants in the vehicle who all denied ownership of the backpack.

DUI: Natali Hossman causes accident, tells officers “There was no crash”

36-year-old Natali Hossman was jailed on November 11th after causing a crash on Broadway and 8th Avenue South. Officers spoke with Hossman, who appeared to be responding slowly. She was sitting in the driver’s seat with her car running in drive and her foot on the brake. The officers instructed Ms. Hossman to park and exit her vehicle. She couldn’t walk normally and slurred as she admitted to drinking alcohol before driving. When asked by officers if there was any physical altercation, she responded by stating there was no crash or altercation. She then performed poorly on sobriety tests and was taken into custody.

DUI: Marissa Marshall has “3 Green Tea shots” before driving

26-year-old Marissa Marshall crashed her Nissan at North 9th Street on November 12. Marshall advised officers she had too much to drink as she admitted to consuming three Green Tea shots before driving into a parked car. Officers observed her to be visibly intoxicated after she consented to sobriety tests and performed poorly. Marshall told officers that she had marijuana after she was read implied consent and agreed to provide a blood sample. Marshall was Mirandized and then taken into custody for driving under the influence, failing to provide evidence of compliance and possession.

Ricky Green vandalizes Little Chicago Pizza

29-year-old Ricky Green Jr. was taken into custody on November 14 for vandalizing Little Chicago Pizza back in July. Green was seen on surveillance footage and had provided his cell phone for an order he had placed there prior to the vandalism. Green was later identified when he filed a police report in September and provided that same phone number. Officers were able to compare the surveillance and body footage of Green filing the September report to confirm that Green was indeed the suspect. The total cost of repairs is $1,893.31.

Wesley Hulsey strangles girlfriend, hides from police at Taco Bell

21-year-old Welsey Hulsey was jailed early Tuesday morning when he assaulted his girlfriend on Millwood Drive. Abigail Wood advised that she told Hulsey she was done with him, and he had to leave. This upset Hulsey, so he came up behind her, wrapped his left arm completely around her neck, and strangled her until she passed out. She woke up to find Hulsey pointing a knife at her and stating that he was not going to leave. Officers observed strained blood vessels in Abigail’s neck and noted her raspy voice. She advised that she had difficulty speaking and heard ringing in her ears. Hulsey had already left the scene before police arrival, but he was found at the Taco Bell on Murfreesboro Pike, where he stated that he did not touch Abigail. Hulsey was then placed into custody and transported to booking.