Kylan Austin empties house from third-story balcony in fit of rage

27-year-old Kylan Austin was booked on an outstanding warrant from September 13th, when he reportedly assaulted his girlfriend on Heritage Drive. Ashley Moore stated that her boyfriend came home late that night smelling like alcohol. They got into an argument, and Ashley tried to leave the apartment to de-escalate the situation, but Austin locked the front door and stood in front of it so she couldn’t leave. She tried to run to the front coat closet when Austin grabbed her in a chokehold style, causing her to lose her breath. When he released her, they started to talk things out, but he became aggravated again and threw her Bluetooth speaker out of a third-story front door into a parking lot. She responded by throwing his shoes out the same door, causing him to become erratic and snatch the TV off the wall of her bedroom. When Ashley left the apartment, she saw him throw the TV from the third story, breaking it. She then got in her car and left. When she returned home, she saw that Austin had thrown the living room TV, a TV from the room her mother stays in, a laptop, and two glass tables from the third story. Austin also threw a brick through Ashley’s sliding glass door, shattering it.

Jalana Gift serves fists to her family after serving food to the homeless

18-year-old Jalana Gift reportedly assaulted family members after serving meals at the Nashville Rescue Mission on October 21st. Officers were dispatched to a parking lot near 6th Ave. S regarding a domestic disturbance. Danielle Brown spoke with officers as they arrived and told them that her stepdaughter, Gift, punched her in the jaw, causing her glasses to fly off as they were leaving the Nashville Rescue Mission. After the blow, Julianna Hobbs, a friend of the family, attempted to restrain Gift and was struck in the neck during the struggle. Gift’s stepbrother, Jason Patterson, sustained a hit in the head before he was able to subdue Gift. Brown stated that Gift fled the scene after being told that the police were being called. Gift was taken into custody on October 24th for two counts of domestic assault and one count of assault.

Kevin Moon burns wife’s dress to ashes; jailed for vandalism

63-year-old Kevin Moon reportedly burned a dress he purchased for his wife, Audrey Smiley. Officers were dispatched to Tusculum Rd. on October 24th regarding a video that Smiley received. As officers arrived, Smiley told them Moon sent her a video of him burning her dress. Moon told officers he burned the dress because he had bought it for her. Officers observed the remaining ashes, and Moon was taken into custody for vandalism.

Dustin Clark charged in theft of baby momma’s vehicle

21-year-old Dustin Clark was booked early Monday morning after stealing his baby momma’s 2013 Kia Forte on October 11th. According to Laura Hemphill, Clark said he would return her vehicle that night or early on the 12th. Laura tried to contact Mr. Clark for three days and look for her car but had not been able to find it or reach him. She stated that Mr. Clark blocked her phone number and all social media platforms, and a warrant was issued for his arrest.

Nicole White douses ex-husband with water during child-custody dispute

40-year-old Nicole “Nikke” White is charged with domestic assault after violating the child custody agreement that’s in place with her ex-husband, Elon White. The victim explained that he and his ex-wife have a parenting plan for split custody of the children. When it was his time to pick up the kids on September 14th, Nicole refused to let them go with him. He then stood outside her front window and told her he was calling the police when she opened the window and threw water at him from a plastic bottle. The victim remained on the scene until the police arrived. He stated he was injured from the water and showed officers a video of Nicole slinging water on him and his daughter.

Ni’Chee’La Johnson charged with assault at Minerva Avenue

25-year-old Ni’Chee’La Johnson was involved in a fight at Minerva Avenue on September 10th. Officers were flagged down by security for service regarding a physical altercation. Johnson punched Kanette Campbell on the left side of her face as officers attempted to break up the fight. Minerva Avenue had a camera outside of the establishment that recorded the incident. Johnson was taken into custody for assault on October 24th.

Musician Stephen Cole Capshaw charged with DUI after violating the move-over law

38-year-old Stephen Cole Capshaw violated the move-over law on I-440 E on October 24th. Officers initiated a traffic stop on a pick-up truck for a traffic violation and observed Capshaw as they approached the driver’s side. Capshaw failed to provide a driver’s license or any form of identification and was visibly intoxicated as he got out of the car. Officers observed a Miller Lite can leaking on the floorboard and found more cans in the bed of the pick-up. Capshaw was charged with implied consent and driving under the influence.

Danmion Eddings wields butter knife toward ex-girlfriend who calls his mother on him

22-year-old Danmion Eddings Jr. got into an argument with Caitlyn Wheeler, the mother of his child, over gas money to put in her vehicle in the wee hours of October 24th. Officers were dispatched to Buena Vista Pike for a call regarding a domestic disturbance and spoke with Wheeler as they arrived. Wheeler told officers that she and Eddings were having a verbal altercation when he started to call her out of her name and stated, “If you hit me, I’m gonna hit you back.” Wheeler reported that Eddings pulled her off the couch and began to hit her in the face and that she took his phone to call his mom to tell her about how he was acting.

Officers were told that Eddings stood over Wheeler and grabbed her by the throat before demanding his phone while wielding a butter knife. Wheeler stated that she then locked herself in a room and that Eddings punched a hole in through the door while she was on the phone with officers. Eddings told officers that the entire argument was over Wheeler wanting money and that he “had enough” before shoving her. Eddings stated that Wheeler was the one who grabbed the knife and that he left the residence after attempting to get his phone back. Police observed markings on Wheeler’s collarbone and throat, as well as a hole in the door, both corroborating with her statements, and determined Eddings to be the primary aggressor. Eddings was taken into custody for aggravated assault.

Skylar Richard assaults mother’s boyfriend with pocket knife

19-year-old Skylar Richard came out of her room yelling after being woken up by an argument between her mom and Dayton Fortenberry, her mom’s boyfriend, on the morning hours of October 23rd. Officers were dispatched to Elm St. for a call of service regarding a domestic disturbance. Fortenberry spoke with officers as they arrived and told them that he and his girlfriend got into an argument that woke up Richard. Fortenberry then stated that Richard came out of her room yelling at him before returning to her room, grabbing a pocket knife and brandishing it. Officers were advised that Fortenberry walked backward out of their house as he was fearful of the possible bodily harm that could be dealt. When Richard was questioned, she confirmed with officers that she was woken up from an argument and that she went to her room to grab a pocket knife after she and Fortenberry exchanged words. Richard admitted that she threw the pocket knife in Fortenberry’s vicinity to incite fear and was taken into custody for aggravated assault.

Brandon Roberson jailed after disorderly assault of security officer in downtown Nashville

34-year-old Brandon Roberson was fighting with APS security directing traffic on 4th Avenue and Broadway in downtown Nashville early Sunday morning. Officers were flagged down and intervened. Security stated Roberson was in the street, refusing to move and yelling. When security asked him to move, he assaulted them. When officers attempted to arrest Roberson, he pulled away and tensed his body. He had to be restrained with leg hobbles to get him into the patrol vehicle safely.