DUI: Bianca Canastillos found asleep behind the wheel with car in drive

32-year-old Bianca Canastillos was asleep in her car, which was obstructing the I24 exit ramp and Whites Creek Pike on September 25th. Officers approached the vehicle, noticed the vehicle was still in drive, and saw a water cup in her hand. Next to the water cup, police noticed an open alcohol container and two empty containers behind the passenger seat. When they attempted to wake her up, she dosed off two more times before finally waking up. Bianca could not roll her window down and struggled to open her door. She exited the vehicle and let her foot off the brake, causing the vehicle to roll into the intersection. Police assisted her in putting the car into park after she abruptly stopped it. She was confused, stumbled out of the vehicle, and admitted to drinking but could not tell the officers when she last drank nor how much. Bianca refused to perform sobriety tests and blood testing.

James Jameson — too drunk to walk in Nashville

42-year-old James Jameson was jailed on September 24 after police found him sitting in the middle of Marita Avenue. He told officers that he was walking home and decided to sit down because he had a lot to drink. He slurred as he spoke and was unsteady on his feet. The officers had to help him to his feet and walk to the patrol vehicle. Officers asked Jameson if he had any weapons, and he stated that he did not, but when officers conducted a pat down, they located a loaded Glock 19 on his hip, a Ka-bar knife, and a pocketknife. Jameson was placed into custody and transported to Davidson County booking.

Designated driver Andres Botello charged with DUI after downtown Nashville crash

23-year-old Andres Botello spoke to police after they responded to a vehicle crash on James Robertson Pky on September 24th. He said he was driving down Rosa L Parks Blvd when a car cut him off, and he lost control of the vehicle, attempting to avoid an accident. Police reported that his vehicle caused a large crash scene, stretching the full length of the intersection, and Andres struck a curb at a high speed. With bloodshot eyes and unsteady on his feet he told police that he was a designated driver for his friends. He said he was dropping them off after they were on Broadway, but he only had one beer and mixed drink earlier. Police asked him to perform sobriety tests, he agreed and showed signs of intoxication. Andres agreed to provide a breath sample, yielding a 0.178% BAC.

Flavia Terronez-Infantes jailed for participating in sideshow of local car enthusiasts

18-year-old Flavia Terronez-Infantes was jailed, along with her boyfriend, at a car meet in Nashville this weekend, where a large group of people were doing ‘burnouts’ in a pit and trespassing onto private property in Antioch. She was in a group of people who were actively sliding and attempting to intercept law enforcement from interrupting the event. She attended the event with her boyfriend and her 13-year-old sibling. She is charged with rioting.

Luis Lung jailed for attending street racer sideshow along with juvenile & girlfriend

Police say 21-year-old Luis Lung helped to organize the street racer meetup and sideshow at the Amazon property on Logistics Way in Antioch this weekend. Police observed him using his social media accounts, which were noted to be a member of the group organizing this event, which moved from Airpark Center East to Logistics Way as police followed. He also had his girlfriend and a 13-year-old juvenile in the vehicle with him.

Henry Pangan charged with strangling woman, knocking her into a closet

27-year-old Henry Pangan got into an argument with a woman after she accused him of looking at another woman, and she became erratic, he said. He told police that he attempted to calm her down by holding her back at arm’s length. Also, he said that she threw a bottle of cologne at him, scratched his arms, and bit his chest while at the residence on Fedders Dr. on September 23rd. The victim, Migdalia Soto, said, through an interpreter, that Henry abuses alcohol and gets angry when he goes on bingers. She asked to use his vehicle due to her car being broken, and he said no, called her trash, and other curse words in front of her children at the residence. When she stood up for herself and told him that he would not talk to her like that in front of her children, he slapped her across the face.

She says Henry then pushed her into a closet and placed his hands around her neck as she attempted to escape. She reportedly lost consciousness for a few seconds and could not leave the closet because Henry blocked the door. In an attempt to defend herself, she grabbed a high heel, but Henry got it from her and threw it at her, causing an injury to her hand. Migdalia had to be treated by paramedics and transported to the hospital for her injuries. Her son was at the scene and told police that he saw Henry standing in front of the closet with his mother inside. He said that Magdalia was holding her neck as if she had been strangled.

Spectator Khamane Obiefuna jailed after attending street racing meet-up in Nashville

18-year-old Khamane Obiefuna was one of several street racers jailed Saturday night after a meetup on Logistics Way. Officers stated they had been following the group all night in an attempt to break it up as they continued to change locations. A group of 50-100 people remained when officers arrived at the Amazon property in Antioch, and they were spinning in the pit, placing multiple people in danger, according to police. Metro Nashville Police admit that Allen “did not actively participate in the reckless behavior” himself; he was present for the illegal gathering to observe illegal activities.

Corey Atkinson charged in assault of fiancèe while drunk with a handgun

24-year-old Corey Atkinson reportedly punched his fiancè in the face multiple times in the basement garage of 501 Commerce building Saturday morning, three witnesses told security. Security for the building told police that his fiancèe, Haylee Hall, said that Corey placed a handgun into her vehicle. The three witnesses attested to seeing Corey hit Haylee. Corey told police that he had consumed alcohol earlier in the evening and denied engaging in physical altercations with her, nor did he know of any weapon. Police observed a large amount of marijuana in Haylee’s vehicle and conducted a search. Inside the vehicle, they found a weapon under the driver’s seat. Corey and Haylee had dried blood on their lips. Corey said that their injuries happened after they drunkenly fell on the ground. He reportedly had visible signs of intoxication and struggled to answer simple questions. His speech patterns were erratic, police stated, and they arrested him for public intoxication.

Tourist Zackary Mack tosses wife into hotel closet after assault

41-year-old Zackary Mack was jailed on Saturday after police responded to a 911 hang-up. A call text stated, “Female voice, get out! Hit me.” When officers arrived at the Westin on Clark Place, security brought Kathryn Lett to the lobby. She told officers that she and her husband only argued and nothing physical happened. When officers contacted Mack, he had a welt under his left eye with a small cut. Officers asked Mack how he got the welt on his face, and he stated vaguely that his wife threw something at him. After interviewing Lett, she disclosed that Mack got in her face during the argument and began to place his hands around her neck, strangling her while throwing her onto the bed. Lett stated they struggled before she hit Mack in an attempt to get him off her. Mack proceeded to throw Lett into the hotel room closet. Lett was then able to break free and alert the hotel security. Officers saw a mark around Lett’s neck and determined that Mack was the aggressor before arresting him.

Sadonia Kertchaval jailed after drunken fighting in downtown Nashville

33-year-old Sadonia Kertchaval was jailed on September 23rd after police responded to a call regarding a shoplifter at a convenience store on Lafayette Street. When police arrived, they observed Kertchaval and multiple others threatening to fight one another. Officers detained Kertchaval to keep her from fighting, but she continued to make threats and lunge at people until she was placed in the back of the patrol vehicle. Officers could smell alcohol coming from Kertchaval, and she advised that she had a few drinks before the incident. The officers told her they would let her go if she left the area with her friend and advised that she would be arrested if she tried to fight the people around her. She agreed, and the officers took the handcuffs off of her. As soon as she was uncuffed, she immediately walked past her friend’s car and toward the people around her to try to fight once again. Her friend had to hold her back. She was then placed into custody and transported to booking.