Sheterika Waters attacks baby’s daddy after his girlfriend calls her phone

18-year-old Shetericka Waters reportedly assaulted Romarious James at her apartment after his girlfriend called her. Police received the report from Romarious when they arrived at the residence on August 30th. He said they were initially play fighting, and it became serious when his girlfriend texted him. After she called Shetericka, she began hitting Romarious and pulled his hair. He said that the assault upset him, so he left the apartment. Shetericka first told the police that Romarious punched her multiple times after she refused to have sex with him. Later, she clarified to police that they were only play fighting and that Romarious only hit her after she became serious. She admitted hitting him and pulling his hair due to being upset about his girlfriend calling her. Also, she told police that she was pregnant with Roamrious’ child. Police determined her to be the primary aggressor based on both stories and arrested her for domestic assault.

Matthew Cantrell charged with distributing 40 grams of marijuana

38-year-old Matthew Cantrell was in the back seat of a blue Chevrolet Trailblazer that MNPD Sergeant Craig Amabile pulled over at a McDonald’s on August 30th. The police noticed Matthew moving around in the back seat and backpacks on the floor close to him. Once Sergeant Amabile placed the vehicle’s driver into custody for driving while intoxicated, he searched the vehicle and found approximately 40 grams of marijuana between four bags. One of the backpacks containing marijuana in multiple small bags was sitting next to Matthew. No paraphernalia was reported to be found, so police determined, based on the packaging and the amount, that there was an intent to sell the drug.

Tiffany Rutledge jailed after bathroom squatting at Renaissance Hotel in Nashville

49-year-old Tiffany Rutledge was in the second-floor bathroom of the Renaissance Hotel and refused to leave when security called the police. They said that there has been an ongoing issue with Tiffany trespassing onto the property, one time was last Friday when she was asked to leave and refused. She was banned from the location, and police confirmed a current trespass waiver on file for the hotel. Security escorted police to the second-floor bathroom, where they contacted Tiffany. She told them she knew she was not supposed to be on the property and was arrested for trespassing.

Jessica Hiefnar living in deplorable conditions with kids, animals, & a double-murder suspect

22-year-old Jessica Hiefnar admitted to police that a double-homicide defendant was hiding in the crawl space of her residence and had been living there with her. Police arrived at the residence based on an unrelated domestic disturbance report on August 30th. They dry heaved from the homes’ overpowering smell of animal urine and feces. They saw two dogs in a three-foot by three-foot cage, malnourished and underweight. The bottom of the cage was covered in feces, spilling out onto the floor. Next to the cage was a one-year-old female child and a two-year-old male child wearing nothing but sagging diapers and appearing unbathed. While the police spoke to Jessica, they saw the children touching the feces in the cages. They reported that food was left out and multiple flies inside the home. After she told them about the defendant hiding in the residence, they prosecuted Jessica due to the deplorable conditions of the home with children present.

Martha Strassell charged with DUI on interstate in Nashville

37-year-old Martha Strassell was stopped in the middle of I-65S, and police safely pulled her to the side of the roadway. She told police that she stopped due to her rear-ending another vehicle. During the investigation, police noticed an odor of alcohol on Martha’s breath and a half-empty Voodoo Ranger IPA can in the console. After showing signs of intoxication on sobriety tests, she was placed into custody and read her Miranda rights. She admitted to having one margarita approximately two hours before the crash. Also, she stated that she did not drink the IPA found in her car and agreed to a breathalyzer test. The test showed that she had a 0.104% BAC. DCS was contacted to take custody of the child present before Martha was transported to booking.

TSU: Trenton Jones sold marijuana to students from NRC campus apartment

22-year-old Trenton Jones was found with weed and paraphernalia by his apartment’s resident directors on August 30th. Police arrive at TSU’s NRC apartments to speak with the directors, Mr. Wynn and Ms. Lewis. They told police that they walked by Trenton’s apartment and smelled marijuana. They conducted a room inspection where they smelled marijuana emanating in front of Trenton’s room. Inside that room, they found 26 ounces of marijuana, a grinder, zip lock bags, black bags, multiple lighters, rolling papers, and a bong. This was enough to determine, reportedly, that Trenton was selling marijuana to other students. Trenton accepted ownership of all the items found in the room and confessed to selling drugs to other students.

Evan Gaines charged in theft from PETSMART store at 100 Oaks

20-year-old Evan Gaines ran from across a parking lot outside PetSmart after reportedly stealing from the store on August 9th. The manager of PetSmart, Michael Fleming, flagged down Vanderbilt University Police and pointed at Evan and his friend Reba Conquest running away. He told police that the two had just stolen from the business. Vanderbilt Police saw Evan and Reba getting into a gray SUV and stopped them. Evan was in the driver’s seat. The merchandise, valued at $372.89, was in the back of the SUV. He was booked for the theft of merchandise charge on August 29th.

Reba Conquest charged with shoplifting from PETSMART at 100 Oaks

29-year-old Reba Conquest ran from across a parking lot outside PetSmart after reportedly stealing from the establishment on August 9th. The manager of PetSmart, Michael Fleming, flagged down Vanderbilt University Police and pointed at Reba and her friend Evan Gaines running. He told police that the two had just stolen from the retail store. Vanderbilt Police saw Reba and Evan getting into a gray SUV and stopped them. Reba was in the passenger seat and admitted to stealing from PetSmart. She said the merchandise, valued at $372.89, was in the back of the SUV. She was booked on the citation for the theft of merchandise charge on August 29th.

Marvell Bright cited for evading arrest with fugitive passengers

18-year-old Marvell Bright was pulled over by police in a 2016 Chevy Impala on Main St. on July 31st. Marvel was the vehicle’s driver, and the other two occupants had warrants out for their arrest. When the police contacted Marvell and the two others, Marvell ran. He qualified for a citation for evading because he had no warrants or failure to appear. He was booked on the citation on August 28th.