DUI: Sam Driggers crashes car & parks in stranger’s backyard after a great game of pool

After 23-year-old Samantha Driggers drunkenly crashed her car early Tuesday morning and ended up in a stranger’s backyard, she told police she wanted to tell them everything that happened. She explained she had been out at a local bar playing pool and had three beers and two shots of tequila. She said she was feeling good because she had won her last game of pool. She decided to drive home but became lost on Woodlawn Ave, where she crashed into a parked car. She then drove into a neighboring backyard and parked her vehicle, which is where police found her. She performed poorly on field sobriety tests and was transported to booking.

Liam Smith attacks wife when he’s asked to help out around the house, threatens to kill her

37-year-old Liam Smith was jailed on Mar 7th for threatening to kill his wife during an argument that turned violent on Mar 2nd at their home on Myatt Drive. Marion Kirkpatrick stated she and her husband got into an argument about him needing to start carrying his weight around the house and helping with their daughter. She said those statements upset Smith, and he became verbally abusive, so she shut herself in her bedroom and barricaded the door. Mr. Smith pushed the door open, came into the bedroom, and said if she woke him up again, he would kill her. Kirkpatrick responded by saying, “I bet you will.”

Smith then approached her, and she tried to cover herself with a blanket. Smith reportedly pushed her off the bed onto the floor and pinned her next to the wall and on top of their dog. When this happened, her arm became stuck on a nightstand next to her bed, creating a large bruise on her right tri-cep and a scratch on her left foot. The injuries the police observed were consistent with her statement, and Smith was charged with assault. He was booked on that warrant this week.

Wontez Graham brutally assaults ex-lover in downtown Nashville parking garage

29-year-old Wontez Graham brutally assaulted his former lover, Abagail Collier, in the parking garage on 1200 Broadway just before 4 a.m. Monday, causing her to be hospitalized with serious injuries. Although their relationship had ended, the two still maintain a few properties they use as short-term rentals. She arrived at this one to stay the night, believing it was empty and Wontez was out of town. She says as she entered the unit, he immediately pulled her inside and punched her in the face. As she escaped to the elevator, he followed her to the parking garage, where security footage showed him strangling her approximately five times and shoving her to the ground. He then brutally kicks her in the body and face multiple times.

Wontez Graham shot and killed a man in 2020 in another downtown apartment parking garage in what was determined to be self-defense.

Rapper Roman ‘BuckBills’ Swanagan jailed on cocaine & gun charges

33-year-old Roman Swanagan, locally known as rapper ‘BuckBills,’ was jailed Friday night after police found narcotics and a handgun during a traffic stop. Swanagan was driving a silver Audi that was going 80 mph in a 70 mph zone. The vehicle smelled of marijuana, and the passengers explained they had just left a location where people were smoking weed. During a search of the vehicle, officers located 4 grams of cocaine. A Ruger handgun was found under the driver’s seat. A second handgun was found in the center console, which was claimed by a passenger. Swanagan was in possession of over $7,000 cash and two cell phones which police say is a common indicator of street-level narcotic sales. Swanger denied using narcotics.

DUI: Gibson Harrison crashes after drinking at the East Room

24-year-old Gibson Harrison told police he “thought he was OK to drive” after drinking at the East Room in the early hours of Sunday morning and then being involved in a crash in his car. He further clarified he had three shots of vodka while at the bar. He fumbled for insurance and other cards, unable to produce the correct ones during the interaction. The other involved driver was transported to the hospital for minor injuries, and Harrison stated he wanted to cooperate with the police and consented to a blood draw before being transported to jail.

Eric Tufte — drunk & disorderly in the Gulch

27-year-old Eric Tufte was found to be screaming and yelling profanities on 12th Ave S. in the Guluch late Saturday night. He was attempting to fight anyone that walked by on the sidewalk, and police say he was highly intoxicated. Officers took him into custody, charging him with public intoxication and disorderly conduct.

Keegan Foster charged in ‘assault’ of bouncer at Honky Tonk Central

26-year-old Keegan Foster says washed-up law enforcement officer turned club bouncer Ryan Burlesci grabbed him and threw him to the ground as he was being escorted out of Honky Tonk Central later Saturday night. Foster says he then threw the bouncer’s hat off his head in retaliation. Burlesci says he was pushed in the chest. Foster was taken into custody and charged with assault, via private prosecution.

Michael Ledford causes ruckus from The Twelve Thirty Club to Tootsie’s

24-year-old Michael Ledford was kicked out of The Twelve Thirty Club on Broadway in downtown Nashville late Saturday night after causing a disturbance in the bar. As bouncer Rayshon Boyington was escorting him to the door, Lefrod assaulted him by smacking his hand away and pushing him back. Ledford then fled out the door and was observed a few hours later near Tootsie’s in a state of extreme intoxication. He was taken into custody at that time.

Jared Scott: “I’m pretty drunk and probably won’t remember this in the morning”

31-year-old Jared Scott wasn’t ready to leave Honky Tonk Central as they were closing in the early hours of Friday morning and threw his drink on a bouncer who informed him it was closing time. He then attempted to take the bouncer, Mark Johnny Thomas, to the ground as he was being escorted out of the venue. He was cuffed and yelling and screaming when Metro Nashville Police arrived and told them he was ready to go to jail. He continued that he was “pretty drunk” and “probably won’t remember any of this in the morning.” No worries, Jared, we even got you a photo for your scrapbook.